Excuse me, I dont mean to come off harsh but you couldnt have learned that from reading scripture. Yes, God is Love! But He is three times Holy, which incidentally is His essence. ALL of God's attributes e.g., love, mercy, justice, wrath, flow from His Holiness. This Holy God hates sin with an extreme passion. Anyone in the Bible who was confronted with God all bowed their head in shame and pronounced a curse on themselves. By God's grace, I have come to understand to some degree, the hatred that God has for sins. The Bible makes it clear that sins are "exceedinly sinful" and absolutely abhorant in the eyes of the Lord. Therefore, when I juxtapose my sins in light of God's exceeding holiness, I feel like the men in the Bible who cries out in shame and astonishment saying..."what is man that you should even be mindful of us."
Adam and Eve sinned only once and their sin was enough for God to pronouce a death curse on everyone. Moreover, He kicked them out of the Garden. I have sined way more than I could count. It is only because God is pleased to show mercy that I am alive and even trusting in Christ. In the Bible, God shows His soverignity by having mercy on whom he wills and punishing whom He wills. Read Romans 9. Since all are equally guilty, God chooses to save who He wills. And not because of something good in them - there is NOTHING good in man that is deserving of Jesus' sufferings, but rather it is all due to God's own choice to love and save whom He wills. This is the God of the Bible. "Fear Him and Keep His Commandments."
- God Bless!!