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    Christianity: monotheistic or polytheistic?

    I agree there is only one God so why do we Christians talk about our God better than other gods? I guess the maturity of Christian thought is in question.
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    Christianity lacking a WHOLEsome view?

    What a great church and an example for other less mature Christians.
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    Christianity lacking a WHOLEsome view?

    I agree with what you wrote and would like to the continue the thought. All there is, is God, otherwise there is no God. If there is anything that exists which is not God, then there is no God; therefore, God is the source of all things that means evil as well as good. All things and...
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    A journalist quoted the statistics on Bill Maher. They also said the red states subscribe to porn sites more than the blue states. I googled the site for the article La Figa Family Values? Red States Lead in Divorce, Teen Pregnancy and Online Porn
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    The red states or states that vote Republican have the highest divorce rate, teen pregnancy or pregnancies out of wed lock. I feel Republicans are more of a threat to my marriage than gays. Should they be banned from Church?
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    Christians prohibit extramarital sex, but the prohibition is no longer enforced and churches welcome adulterers. Why not welcome homosexuals? Church leaders associate with transgressors without condemning them because the transgressors pay and make donations. Sinners detest other sinners because...
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    The most vocal activist against same sex marriage have destroyed their traditional marriages with affairs. I am married and I am not threatened by homosexual activist. My children have never been threatened. I don't think people oppose people promoting traditional marriage because most people...
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    We is referring to Christians in general. You who are above us please give us some advice.
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    Christian Mysticism

    Christian Mysticism
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    Avi1223, Thank you for the info. We Christians have become self-righteous, more interested in a comfortable church, pastor and circle of friends forgetting about the discontented, wounded and people with alternative life styles. We need to get out of our comfort zone to feel the Holy Spirit. We...
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    People drive by churches everyday and live where they can see the steeples pointing to a Higher Power, but they don't go to church because they are sick of being told about God and what He dislikes. They want to know the Divine and not the negative mental projections of some uptight person with...
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    Christian Mysticism

    We have studied psychology, the Bible, and different philosophies and we think we know what God dislikes. We claim to know all about God, new age and other religions, but in the stillness of our mind comes the desire to be united with God. This causes a transformation in God, which I would call...
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    New Age Christianity

    Rom 12:2 Do not be conformed to this present world, but be transformed by the renewing of your mind, so that you may test and approve what is the will of God – what is good and well-pleasing and perfect. The Spirit is always there so we must transform and enlarge our personal consciousness and...
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    Why is Christianity loosing the cultural war ?

    I feel some Christian philosophies have a lack of total explanation; therefore, they have lost the power to bring about the original experience of oneness and have become superstitions and an impediment on the road to spiritual development. The fight about gay marriage is one of them. The...
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    Evolved aspirants

    The workings of miracles are beyond words so if Kabbalah massit is a good manner to describe it. We can learn from it too.
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    Evolved aspirants

    The evolved aspirant worships God in everything because God is everything. The realization of God is in the soul; this Christ consciousness is what gave Jesus his miraculous power. He saw pure consciousness in man so was able to balance the personal and the impersonal aspects of God by serving...
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    Why do Christians use the cross?

    I see the symbolism of the cross with the horizontal beam representing the physical or pure consciousness manifested and the vertical beam representing the spiritual or pure consciousness not manifested.
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    Christianity: monotheistic or polytheistic?

    The Christian’s consciousness of acceptance that there is one God and that He created all things is a conceptual truth that frees the mind to think of God all the time. This relaxes the emotions so we can praise everything as good because it came from God. This kind of encounter Jesus revealed...
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    When we dwell in the consciousness of God as the infinite Power then no human, devil or evil can do us harm. God is the one Power, the All-powerful and the only Power that we acknowledge, nothing less than Omnipresence. When we’ve come to understand this fact and the interconnectedness of all...
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    Does God Talk to You ?

    When I am silent God speaks. God is everywhere in pure consciousness.