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  1. W

    God's Plan

    One could always talk his way to salvation. Ok, begin here... In the beginning was the word, and the word was with God, and the word was God. See? Or hear salvation? To bad we can't feel it, otherwise it would be pretty intense, rather than all intellectual.
  2. W

    Was Jesus merely a prophet whose authority was similar to that of Moses, Buddha, Muha

    Re: Was Jesus merely a prophet whose authority was similar to that of Moses, Buddha, Wait a minute, I feel a foreign language comin'. Da umph, da iddi diddi gumph, cha chitti pitti lumpfh, fa spitti gitti zitti... um, ran outta letters, or ims. cha, cha, cha?
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    God's Plan

    Perfection needs nothing. And in that case, a response would mean less, of me. So God became man and dwelt among us.
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    Was Jesus merely a prophet whose authority was similar to that of Moses, Buddha, Muha

    Re: Was Jesus merely a prophet whose authority was similar to that of Moses, Buddha, Jesus is, alive in you, as in me, you as me, I as you, you as he, and he as not in who? Give, give, give, is for all, to awake and be heard in God's only call. "Son, come in."
  5. W

    Was Jesus merely a prophet whose authority was similar to that of Moses, Buddha, Muha

    Re: Was Jesus merely a prophet whose authority was similar to that of Moses, Buddha, Jesus is resurrected as triune God, three in one, or one in all three... father, son, and spirit past, present and future being.
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    The End of Abraham

    What's it taste like?
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    What's it calling you? :rolleyes: Jesus? And I want a bible verse for your answer. Another sermon on the mount?
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    The Holy Name of God

    Rev. 22:13, (taken out of context of course, but...) I am the Alpha and the Omega, the first and the last. So John saw a God, in the eternal seed which begins and ends everything, every life, every day, every thought of contention. Unity with God takes away the separation, which in reality...
  9. W

    God's Plan

    We can drop the routine of our enslavement to the animal nature. I think Jesus is a vegetarian. Why was there no reference to the stars, or nature in the bible? Oops, the star of Bethlehem. Never mind.
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    The Holy Name of God

    Jesus is not dead, only transfigured. But the scars are still there, if you have eyes to see them. And the voice still calms the angry waters, if you have ears to hear. Jesus is as close as the nose on your face, the ears on your head, and the skin on your bones. Jesus is alive, in your...
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    One Year in Your Religion

    Hospice takes volunteers. ;)
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    One Year in Your Religion

    Hi, Becker reaffirms that the driving force behind human activity is the fear of death, and shows that evil is the offspring of man's inevitable efforts to overcome his mortality and insignificance. Escape From Evil surveys man's social development, brilliantly fusing history, anthropology...
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    One Year in Your Religion

    Karma is a big word. Forget about any thoughts of disconnection from God/god\gods (every day one is born again, it is what you eat, breathe, think that matters), or needed effort to become reconnected, because it's already there as being karmic, the karmic connection. With each person we meet...
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    One Year in Your Religion

    And then there are always the Gnostic Gospels to balance things off well. :D
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    One Year in Your Religion

    Caroline Myss has a web site where she offers hours and hours, and hours of free instruction in spirituality/enlightenment. There is a section of guest lecturers one a native American somewhere in the desert southwest, where he essentially lives alone pursuing a dedicated life close to...
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    One Year in Your Religion

    Oh, wil, Have your friend read Ernest Becker 'Escape from Evil', Thom Hartmann 'The Last Hours Of Ancient Sunlight, and John Welwood "Toward a Psychology of Awakening'... oooh that was a good read. ;)
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    One Year in Your Religion

    A few more fantastic authors are Mark Epstein, Sharon Salzberg, Hazrat Inayat Khan, Joseph Campbell, and, um, that should get ya onto the path pretty quick, if a year is all you have and you read everything these authors wrote, if you have more time I'll write down like 7 or so more, authors...
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    One Year in Your Religion

    Hi, A year is really nothing, try living God's will for a lifetime, whose day is our year and whose year is a lifetime. Also, try reading Reginald A. Ray, Ph.D 'Touching Enlightenment'. Oh my and your and our Gods, or God, I love that book, so, so, so deeps, or deep. ;)
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    Why do Christians use the cross?

    The number 8, reaching down to the females, actually held by the rays of sun. Nice images. Nothing could be as symmetric as the sun, or God.
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    Why do Christians use the cross?

    I see the light! :) Cuz it is a sunny day. I see other lights too, but we won't talk about that at present. Feeling the light is where it's at... ok, I'll shut up.;)