It's good to know about your faith dear fellow. I heard this first time about pluriform monothiest. How is it differ from Christainity?
So, if you have to choose one holy name of God, to whom will you nominate from One Holy family?
One more thing making me uncomfortable, why does God need contrast?
It's human understandings that family works in unity in common, but sometimes clashes. How will you define impact of clashes in God's family on the real world?( in case, if I rightly guessed your faith i.e. pluriform monothiesm)
My Christian faith differs from traditional or Pauline Christianity radically in that I follow the teachings of Jesus and not those of Paul. To the world Christianity means Christians who believe that Jesus Christ died for their sins because human beings are fallen creatures needing salvation by vicarious sin atonement which is Paul's gospel and not Jesus' teachings. Paul succeeded in taking the lead in Christian doctrines because I believe Paul's theology was compatible with the standard Greco-Roman world's Mystery Religions.
Paul's genius was melding the Mystery Religion idea of a dying/resurrection god-man who's death atones for sins of believers with the Jewish Messiah expectations. Jesus Christ in Paul's theology became very similar to Mithraism only where Mithra believers baptized themselves in a pool of bull's blood (Mithra's totem animal) to vicariously identify with Mithra's death and resurrection, Christian believers were to baptize themselves in water and vicariously identify with the death and resurrection of Jesus Christ. Mithra and Jesus Christ share a great deal of attributes in common and they both are members of the sun-god/grain god dying/resurrection mythologies that were wide spread in the ancient world following as they do the pattern of Nature and crops dying in Winter and reviving in the Spring.
Pauline Christians have either a Dualist (Father/Son) or Trinity (Father/Son/Holy Spirit) polytheistic division of the Godhead although they seldom admit it because they want to think of Christianity as Paul's gospel says, as a "branch off the vine of Judaism" which, like Islam, doesn't tolerate division of the Godhead. I refuse to be hypocritical about Christian belief that Jesus Christ represented the Son of God, thereby creating a division in the Godhead. As I explained before, I believe the human mind cannot comprehend "Oneness" without contrasting oneness to two-ness or the many. They are conceptually forever united meaning for me that saying "God is One" is logically meaningless in our universe--we can't recognize such a Singularity in our brains so why be intolerant of our mental deficiency when it is expressed religiously? Do you know that most of the ancient pagan religions evolving in pagan civilizations like Greece were well on their way to seeing a superior spiritual reality to their pantheons of gods and goddesses, e.g. the Atman concept of the Hindus and the Logos concept of the Greeks, a Oneness then that was composed of emanating sub-gods that really symbolized various natural phenomena or aspects of personality. In other words, the ancients labeled what we call for example, "luck", a goddess of luck like Fortuna. Sun gods, moon gods, happiness gods, war gods, etc, etc..all derivatives of a spiritual model based on our human lives. The various pantheons were Holy Families, models in the spiritual realm for human behavior and natural phenomena.
Along comes Akhkenaton with the world's first intolerant monotheism and we get religious warfare between monotheists and polytheists. Moses followed Akhkenaton's monotheistic intolerance and so did Muhammad but not the Christians who had no choice in their theology based on Jesus Christ but to recognize a spiritual division of the Godhead into two identities, Father and Son. The Catholics threw in the Holy Spirit to cover their bases as well as umpteen number of saints, many of whom were makeovers of pagan gods and goddesses, e.g. St. Bridgit.
My Christian belief system recognizes the limitations of the human mind that brings spiritual information to our cultures via prophets and founders of religions. I fully believe in the Oneness of God but recognize that it is impossible to describe that Oneness because I've never seen it and cannot comprehend what I can't really understand. The Oneness of God has conveniently provided human beings with ways to comprehend Itself by using Family divisions human beings are familiar with, father, mother, son, daughter.
The Abrahamic believers to me falsely claim "God is One" and are at war spiritually and materially with all other believers in God who see God as one or more of God's emanations. Abrahamic's see God as "Father" and yet they too show their tendency towards dividing the Godhead in order to comprehend it, thus in the Old Testament Creation accounts God is referred to as "Us" and in the Quran God is "We", i.e. muliple faces of the Godhead. I've heard Muslim apologists claim the "We" in the Quran is Muhammad using the "Royal "We" but personally, to me this rings false. I really do not understand why Abrahamic believers convinced themselves pagan believers were somehow evil by worshipping aspects or faces of the Godhead. Evil was never in the ways of worship of God but in human behavior towards others. This pattern of Abrahamic religions to create a false division in believers of God between those who define the Godhead as "Father" vs. those who define the Godhead as various forms of "We" to me is symptomatic of a human territorial control agenda posing as "religion". God has absolutely no need of territorial control but ambitious men do so we get 2500 years of Abrahamic religious warfare for control of the earth's surface and human populations. A sin in my opinion..
So I am a "pluriform monotheist" who doesn't care a fig what people call God but cares a great deal about how human beings behave towards each other following their various religious paths.
Btw, you should understand that I am a Gnostic Christian and for us Gnostics having a personal relationship with God is the only authentic one possible. We cannot bow down to any other man's belief system but our own because anytime you depend on another human being for your spiritual consciousness you have lost spiritual authenticity by accepting a second-hand relationship with God. In other words, neither Moses, or Paul or Muhammad or the Bab or Joseph Smith is you so they cannot form your relationship with God unless you are willing to let them do your spiritual heavy lifting instead of you doing it yourself. This is the Gnostic Way, the Solitary Path as it is called.
As for clashes in every family mirroring clashes in the Holy Family, sure, the ancients have all sorts of stories of gods and goddesses at each other's throats and doing dirty tricks, just like human beings!

Would be a problem except we have been given a holy model of overcoming everything through love, the model of the Christ. Christ consciousness cuts through divisions between human beings as people come to understand "Christ consciousness" is really only a code name for goodness following our consciences.