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  1. W

    Where is Buddhism going?

    Don't follow leaders, watch the parking meters. - B. Dylan
  2. W

    Is the Christian God the same as the Muslim God?

    Is the God, or gods of man, or woman, the same God, or gods of animals, plants, nature? Don't tell me, tell nature.
  3. W

    Did Jesus (pubh) die for his followers' sins?!

    Sin is a fairly general term, and whether it separates us from God is a matter of choice. But grace is not choice, it is undeserved merit. The conditions by which we can read and write, think and communicate contain grace. It is in God's will that we are here. We could be soldiers on a...
  4. W

    Zen and the Economy

    The silence eventually comes to each and every living thing. We are all in this together... humans, animals, fish, bugs, plants, and, rocks. Yes rocks, just sit and you'll see, everything, together as one.
  5. W

    The Holy Name of God

    I hear God when I listen, but the name is unspoken, as everything moving in silence. I don't know.
  6. W

    Me, myslef, and, um...

    It is not mine, nothing is, on an esoteric level, even thoughts. The wood stove ash is waste which goes into the garden. The wood I use is from dead fall or standing dead, would become forest waste. My thoughts are waste when chopping wood, only use the balance and body mechanics to split...
  7. W

    Me, myslef, and, um...

    I have, to go, chop... some wood. Turning off, the mind. Chop wood, already carried water.
  8. W

    The Holy Name of God

    High? Was he usin' drugs? And, which ones? Just think of the sun as God's eye, and moon as the other. When light comes to reflect on her, um, the moon that is, she let's it go, back to the earth, like a second coming. If ya know what I mean. If not, seek therapy. I'm cheap, and here anyway.
  9. W

    Me, myslef, and, um...

    Everybody is normal, at room temperature. Hot is good, cold is better, warm is the best. But I'm just cold, minded. Or let's just say stubborn.
  10. W

    The Holy Name of God

    Each of us is like a seed, and God is the plant which bore the seed. The duality of good/bad seed was an attempt to control the chaos of nature, and it's basically what has brought us here today, quite directly, as living, vital. But again, back to the "real" issue of names, for God...
  11. W

    The Holy Name of God

    Not that this matters, but when I was just a kid, like 3 yrs, I remember being told about guardian angels, actually began praying to my guardian angel to protect me at night, because I was afraid of the dark. And my guardian, in my mind was so real, but had no name, only substance, which was...
  12. W

    The Holy Name of God

    Essentially, uh oh, this is gonna sound scientific... God is a number, somewhere between 1 and 10, essentially... uh oh, am gonna repeat myself, in English, my limited English... because if you saw language as numbers it would be essentially less complex, and essentially easy to state in a few...
  13. W

    The Holy Name of God

    God has many names that I cannot mention. As I have been called many names that I cannot mention, but I can, if you need to believe me. And believing is a bit different, than experiencing, because God cannot be scripted to be any One form. Was cleaning up some potting soil this afternoon...
  14. W

    Me, myslef, and, um...

    Hi everybody, thanks for the kind welcome. Basically, I'm not any one faith, or able, willing to include myself in any one faith with the exclusion of any other. Conditionally, I'm certain that by some standards I'd be considered a heretic, but hey, so was Jesus, or is, in the archetypal realm...
  15. W

    Me, myslef, and, um...

    I will I will I will I will I will. Next! Wait a minute... 3,4, 5,5... um, 6 If I could save time in a bottle, I'd first have to come up with the design. And here are a few questions for myself... 1. Forget the numbers, can't make those things. Can I make a bottle? No Can I make a...
  16. W

    The Holy Name of God

    Holy, holy, holy... other than that, have a nice, nice, nice day. Anyway, I could mention the name of god, in every word, each sound, that I don't create, in the sense of being separate, and playing god myself. Look at the poor and sick, within yourself, there god comes in to rest, as I come...
  17. W

    Me, myslef, and, um...

    So, "hi", and ohm.