Peace by upon you
And upon you too, my friend.
and the highest of them all is to associate partners with Allah, the One and Only Creator aned Sustainer of the universe.
Separative is the limited view of the Spirits immersed in the worlds of form [i.e. the physical world]; only Oneness IS in the worlds of Spirit.
Thus 'we' are taught:
.Will aspect in Creation is manifest in The Father
.Wisdom aspect in Creation is manifest in The Son
..Christ, is The Son: the Solar[Sun] Logos (Logos: Wisdom; a visible effect in civilization: solar calendar adoption)
.Activity aspect in Creation is manifest in The Holy Spirit
..Allah/Jehova is The Holy Spirit: the Lunar Deity, His chief Angel being Gabriel
...majority of planets have moons; a visible effect in civilization: lunar calendar adoption based on cycles of the moon phase:
a.1) "... in your new moons, ye shall blow with the trumpets over your burnt-offerings," Num 10:10;
a.2) The Islamic calendar is based on visibility of the crescent Moon.
b) the Islamic and Jewish weekdays begin at sunset, whereas the medieavel Christian and planetary weekdays begin at the following midnight [sun]
....Note also that: "The Holy Spirit is the creative energy in Nature, and the sex energy is its reflection in man. Misuse or abuse of that power is the sin that is not forgiven [Matthew 12:31], but must be expiated in impaired efficiency [illness, disease, ...] of the vehicle [the dense physical body: which is the visible instrument we use here in this world to fetch and carry (the body we ordinarily think of as the whole man)] in order thoroughly to teach us the sanctity of the creative force."
My dear friend marcoav, it's great to see you spending time contemplating on the 'higher truth'..., but my friend, without Gods guidance, esoteric thinking on one's own could be deceptive in a verry subtle way in which the wondering mind thinks he's aquiring a high level of spiritual truth but in reality it is full of subtle deceptions
Words of Wisdom have you spoken concerning the subtle dangers of illusion, of "getting things out of focus", in the unseen world. However, being not my intention to deceive and being yet far from becoming a Teacher, please allow to refer your words, dear Abdullah, to the Guidance whom (I) call "O Eu Alado", that is, The Winged Self:

" Our God who art our Winged Self
It is Thy will in us that willeth
It is Thy desire in us that desireth
It is Thy urge in us, that would
Turn our nights, which are Thine
Into days, which are Thine also.
It is Thy will in us that willeth
It is Thy desire in us that desireth
It is Thy urge in us, that would
Turn our nights, which are Thine
Into days, which are Thine also.
We cannot ask Thee for aught
For Thou knowest our needs
Before they are born in us.
Thou art our need
And in giving us more of Thyself
Thou givest all. "
For Thou knowest our needs
Before they are born in us.
Thou art our need
And in giving us more of Thyself
Thou givest all. "