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  1. O

    Hallow be WHAT name?

    Laws of God have different layers. I have said the name of God is related to a pyramid and that also remembers the 7 "mountains":
  2. O

    Polytheism and Hinduism

    The name of this forum is comparative-religion and I was comparing. Shall I continue without fearing Mr. Moderator will erase what he dislikes? Thank you very much indeed: Supernatural or magical bedtricksters in myths can often be identified not by any constant criterion, such as their lack of...
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    Polytheism and Hinduism

    The copy/pasted material was written by me. In your private message you add you find incoherence in my posting. That was the reason of erasing without warning anything. You're a moderator not a judge for everybody's point of view. Allow the other participants discuss what THEY consider coherent...
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    God and Life on Mars

    Okey, I understand. But it would be better if you first told me. I didn't know, I spend of lot of time to write those things and search for the benefit of other readers. Now, everything is gone. And I won't write no more. I think I better withdraw. You know, the behaviour code doesn't run...
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    Polytheism and Hinduism

    BTW I noticed that you erased precisely the information about MARS possible evidence of life and due to other comment you did in this forum I perceive you disagree and that's the reason you erase it.Isn't this a religious discussion? So why erase something that could link religion with science...
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    Polytheism and Hinduism

    Brian I have read before writing anything here what forum requires or solicites from me. Nowhere it says that I can't post information although massive in order to let the readers decide after. It took a lot of effort to search that and you just wiped it off!!!!! Why? Did I offended you? The...
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    God and Life on Mars

    I don't want to make another link here, but if you go to HINDUISM you'll see a lot of references to possible life on Mars. This -I believe- is linked to hyperdimensional beings.
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    Hallow be WHAT name?

    Inca is my nickname. That's why I set it here.
  9. O

    Hallow be WHAT name?

    Isaiah 19:18 and following verses, explain God of Israel IEVE (pronounced in English like EE-EH-VEH without any sound in the H) has an altar in the middle and border of Egypt. That’s Great Pyramid, the Bible Code even provides the sacred Hebrew inches in the text which is the height of the Great...
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    Polytheism and Hinduism

    Andreas: Unfortunately I'm writing here about Hinduism. I agree with you the Biblical manuscripts have passed for many hands and there's misunderstanding. Yet if you want to open a thread about what you consider Biblical myths I would gladly follow with attention and share my visions with men of...
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    Polytheism and Hinduism

    No, I don't want to superimpose. I just shared some interesting details like Brahma connection with a lamb (Abraham's sacrifice replacing Isaac), the fact Brahma married his sister-wife like Abraham did with Sara, the myths about Abraham & Nimrod and all that I wrote that it's unnecesary to...
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    Polytheism and Hinduism

    some thoughts How did you glue those fantastic images ? The problem with Hindu scriptures is there's so much characters and myth that is almost imposible to check 1% real history from legend. So, I try not to think too much in their 330 millions gods, but in the main 3. Brahma was probably...
  13. O

    Hallow be WHAT name?

    You probably know the dissapearance of the use of God's name didn't happen instantaneously as if it was a theophany from the very beginning. The name was used and step by step the name was forgotten until it was used once every 7 years and then after not even the High Priest use it no more. I...