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  1. I

    Advice for non-Hindu

    Sorry, looks (or should I say, "sounds"?) like I confused you. It's neither ahhjuunee nor ahhjaanee. To use your method, it's pronounced as 'ahhjahhni' - short on both the 'a' and 'i'. The second 'a' in the word is pronounced the same as the first 'a' - as in the word 'about'. The 'i'...
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    Advice for non-Hindu

    P.S. I forgot to mention that this is the pronunciation for the word 'ajani' which means 'Path' or 'Road'. It is not the same pronunciation for 'ajani' for its other meanings which I mentioned in an earlier post.
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    Advice for non-Hindu

    Sure, why not?! If Nirvana can be the name of a rock band, why not a restaurant chain called 'Ajani'?;) Apart from the Hindi word 'agyani', which Sangam mentioned, the other Hindi/Urdu word which I think looks similar or close to this word is 'anjaan', which means 'unknown' or 'unfamiliar'. In...
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    Hinduism study help please

    Hello thipps, Here are a few links to some of the major 18 Puranas. The first link is worth looking at, as it will give you an overview of the Puranas: The next link is a translation of the Bhagavat Purana, also known as the Srimad...
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    Advice for non-Hindu

    I'm not sure which language you (DT Strain) are referring to here. I have not heard this word in the Indian languages which I know - Hindi, Tamil. It seems that 'ajani' is a Sanskrit word, and seems to have been used in the Rig Veda. I don't have more than a basic knowledge of Sanskrit. I...
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    Hinduism + arranged marriges

    Hello Dani13, I'm not sure if your question relates to Hindu society or scripture. In Hindu mythology and the epics like Mahabharata there are stories of different types of marriages, including arranged marriages and love marriages. In Hindu society, arranged marriages are customary. Love...
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    Death for bad cooks?

    Dear Brucegdc, You've done an awesome amount of research on this subject of dowry deaths! You are correct that it is mainly a societal aberration. It was in the late 1970's that dowry deaths began to be publicised in the Indian media. They were not a well-known phenomenon until then. But it was...
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    Death for bad cooks?

    Hello again D T Strain! I won't blame your mother or the Indian woman entirely for the misunderstanding or the confusion she created in your mother's mind. There are one of two situations prevailing in what you described, as I have experienced myself. Firstly, there are some Indians living...
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    Death for bad cooks?

    Dear D T Strain, I am a Hindu woman from India. As far as I know, killing a wife for bad cooking wouldn't be considered ethical by normal Hindus. The husband would definitely be convicted in an Indian court of law if found guilty of murdering his wife, bad cooking or otherwise. Yes, there may be...
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    Ask the Advaitin

    Namaste Vajradhara and Tatvamasi, The word 'karma' actually means act or deed. In the broader sense, it refers to the act and its result: as said in the Vedas, "If we sow goodness, we will reap goodness; if we sow evil, we will reap evil." There are 3 types of karma: (a) Sanchita karma, which...
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    Ask the Advaitin

    Vanakkam Tatvamasi, My apologies - I had addressed you as 'Advaitin' previously. Good to see you back. Lucky for you to have time to spend on forums. I've had to stop visiting several others due to lack of time. I almost stopped visiting this one also, but am making time for it, as it is...
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    Questions about the Prophet and Islam

    Friend, Thanks for your response. I'm just trying to get a feel for the social/religious background of the Prophet prior to his receiving the divine revelations.
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    Questions about the Prophet and Islam

    Salam Thipps, I appreciate your taking time to answer my questions and providing quotations. If you do find answer to my question on the Prophet's early religion, please post it. Thanks!
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    Dear LensmanZ313, I suppose that you are referring to the Sanskrit word and Hindu concept of 'avatar'. The meaning of the Sanskrit word 'avatar' is 'descent'. In the Hindu concept 'avatar' (otherwise termed as 'incarnation') refers to the physical manifestation or personification of God, or...
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    Questions about the Prophet and Islam

    Salaam, I am not sure if my questions have already been answered elsewhere on this forum. If they are, I would appreciate it if someone could point me to the specific thread. I have read the biography of Prohpet Mohammed, but was not sure what religion or faith he followed prior to his...
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    How real is Krishna?

    P.S. Brian - for some reason the thread count is still showing 3 replies, when there are 5 - Thathaastu's reply and mine are not being counted. So I am posting this again, to see if it corrects the count.:confused: Dear Tathaastu, Welcome! Like you, I am not entirely proficient in...
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    How real is Krishna?

    Dear Tathaastu, Welcome! Like you, I am not entirely proficient in Hinduism/Sanatana Dharma, and am not a historian by profession, but do have a desire to learn and share information about both. To add to what you said regarding Krishna, there are places in modern-day India which correspond to...
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    Ask the Advaitin

    Vanakkam Advaitin, Welcome and Pongal vazhtugal! (Happy Pongal greetings). Indogenes
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    Prayers to Asia

    Sacredstar, I pray that your friends in Thailand are safe and get in touch with you soon, and thanks for your prayers for this part of the world. Asking for prayers for this part of the world does not mean that Iraq is forgotten. It is difficult to forget Iraq, a land and people which are...
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    Prayers to Asia

    Dear Ryuuko, I truly appreciate your kind words and prayers. I wonder what impact the earthquake and the turmoil of the seas and the ocean in South Asia had on the aquatic flora and fauna.