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  1. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    My apologies for offending you.. In War, people die.. Systems go to ruin.. In 600 AD, a woman could not survive on her own if she did not have resources to fall back upon - eg Khadija had caravans as you yourself said.. She had the protection of her tribe and bodyguards against bandits.. I...
  2. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Under the interpretation I hold of the holy scriptures on the basis of the work of the majority of Islamic scholars over the ages I personally view the activities that occur in some of these countries incorrect. However, please note I didn't say that minority means incorrect, I am not so...
  3. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Most Eastern states have more pressing social issues to address within their own countries due to the breakdown fo the societies within them. As Islam becomes increasingly culturalised, they look to the extreme interpretations as, to an extent, desireable as they have lost their own direction...
  4. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Well.. A key differential is the fact that Islam was implemented as a state system for a significant period of time, something which was not the case with Christianity (one could argue about Judaism). The followers of Islam in the current climate are, by and large, standard people (as it...
  5. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Eh, it's not just Islam or Christianity.. Look at the deaths attributable to Stalin (40 million russians?) etc..
  6. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Ok, you bring the Qu'ran in English and I'll bring it in Arabic.. In the period 800-1800 Muslim countries were far more civilised than their Christian counterparts with respect to those facts. Would the son of a slave have become the leader of the entire nation in the Christian countries...
  7. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Um. Okaaay.. Funnily enough, I believe there have been more females in positions of power (president etc) of muslims countries than non-muslim countries. Third world countries are third world countries - differences between India and Pakistan for example?
  8. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Re: Ask any question you like PersonaNonGrata Ok.. And what do you base this claim on? (you can quote websites or whatever)
  9. S

    Fundamentals of Islaam

    Missing a few fundamentals of aqeedah there :)
  10. S


    They didn't.
  11. S

    Clarification of terms

    Ah.. You're a Mahayana-style buddhist, gotcha. In that case your lines are finer than most ;) I was merely asking those questions to get a fix on where you were coming from, my apologies for any offense caused. I believe your beliefs would put you in the action for thyself section, to...
  12. S

    Clarification of terms

    Well, there's a fine line to be drawn here - if you believe in a higher cause, a greater being as it were, do you derive your sense of morals from this? Do you consider yourself to have been created by it and thus this is the impetus of your consideration for others? After all, what rights do...
  13. S

    Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return

    All I can say is: ?
  14. S

    Did youknow Muslims Also Believe Jesus Will Return

    The return of Isa (pbuh) is only alluded to in the Qu'ran. The details/full story come via the hadith, our secondary source of information and is at a level that is mass-transmitted - similar to the authenticity that we assign to the narration of the Qu'ran. Well, if you're a sunni anyway :)
  15. S

    Clarification of terms

    I believe (not certain) that the criterion for kaffirdom (to make up a word) is that you have recieved the truth, but choose to deny it - ie the message in it's pure form is in front of you, but you do not recognize it overtly as truth. It's a bit of a fine line, but in the end Allah (swt) can...
  16. S

    "What's Right With Islam"

    Vision of Islam - William Chittick and Sachiko Murata would be a good starting point (those two have trained in both sunni and shia methodologies). Islam and the destiny of man by Charles Le Gai Eaton may also be of interest with regards to this. In a similar vein, The Heart of Islam ...
  17. S

    Clarification of terms

    There are other categories too - for example you can just be downright ignorant of Islam and believe it's a hateful religion that causes people to hack other people to little bits. That's taken into account in the reckoning it appears. I would recommend Imam al-Ghazali's Faysal Al Tafriqa...
  18. S

    A potentially stupid question about Khomeini

    Although I'm somewhat biased (being a sunni), I'd say that was like "refuting" Christianity by quoting Pat Robertson on ethnic cleansing. The Ayatollah did come out with some whack fatwa as he grew older, I wouldn't be suprised if the quotes were real. That's not to say all shia agree with...
  19. S


    Actually, we consider the place of spirituality in human life to have started with the advent of man as we consider Islam to have started then, with Adam (pbuh) the first muslim. Sufism, practising of Tassawuf (purification), is an integral part of Islam, contributing to Ihsan, which is one...
  20. S

    What if you were in space?

    You do the best you can. The kabah is considered at the centre of each of the dimensions, so all paths lead to it eventually. Having a set direction on earth is useful for self-control and praying in congregation, it helps build unity.