Uhhmmm... Why was he suspended?
One more thing to add, in the bible, it is mentioned that every prophet that will come after Jesus is fake.
Are you sure about that? I beg to differ. Here, read this article (I hope copying and pasting is allowed by the mods, and I'll be excused by them if it's not, since it's my first post and I don't know):
Jesus Prophecied Muhammad (Peace and Blessings of Allah be on them both)
By Dr. Munir Munshey.
This is a straightforward to-the-point article written by my uncle proving that Jesus (Eesa) foretold the coming of the final Messenger of God, Muhammad, and told his followers to follow him (Muhammad) when he comes. (Peace and Blessings of Allah be upon them both).
The following verses of the Bible point to the promise Jesus (peace be upon him) made of another messenger to come after him:
"It is for your good, that I am going away. Unless I go away, the Counselor will not come to you. But if I go, I will send him to you." (John 16:7)
"And I will pray the Father, and he will give you another Counselor," (John 14:16)
"I have yet many things to say unto you, but ye cannot bear them now. Howbeit when he, the Spirit of truth, is come, he will guide you into all truth: for he shall not speak of himself; but whatsoever he shall hear, [that] shall he speak: and he will shew you things to come." (John 16:12)
"But when the Counselor comes, whom I shall send to you from the Father, even the Spirit of truth, who proceeds from the Father, he will bear witness to me." (John 15:26)
"These things have I spoken unto you, being [yet] present with you. But the Comforter, [which is] the Holy Spirit, whom the Father will send in my name, he shall teach you all things, and bring all things to your remembrance, whatsoever I have said unto you." (John 14:25)
The actual Greek word for 'the Counselor' in the original manuscripts is "Parakletos". Original manuscripts also call Jesus a 'Parakletos' translated into English as 'advocate'. (1 John 2:1)
Some old manuscripts use the word "Periklytos" and not Parakletos.
"Periklytos" means exactly what Muhammed means in Arabic, "the praised one". If so, it would be an open and shut case. Jesus promised the next messenger and also gave his name.
Let us say the word in the original greek was "Parakletos".
Parakletos means a 'Guide', a 'Counselor', an 'Advocate' and a 'Comforter.' All that Jesus himself was, and promised another 'Parakletos' before departing.
Some manuscripts use both words. According to these, Jesus promised another Parakletos, Periklytos. That would mean "Jesus promised another Counselor, the praised one (Read: another counselor, Muhammad SAW).
Christians say Parakletos was the Holy Ghost that appeared as a ghost a few days after Jesus departed.
The Bible calls Jesus "a Parakletos" in 1 John 2:1.
How could the Bible refer to a ghost as a Parakletos in the verses mentioned above, and refer to Jesus as a Parakletos in 1 John 2:1?
'Parakletos' can only refer to another man, because:
1) 'Parakletos' is not 'Holy Ghost'; it cannot be translated as 'Holy Ghost'. At every location in the Bible the words for "Holy Ghost" are "Hagios Pneuma".
2) 'Parakletos' must appear AFTER Jesus. ('Unless I go away the Counselor will not come' (16:6), [The Holy Ghost had appeared many times earlier].
3) The Parakletos is called a 'he' or 'him' _ a male pronoun _ 16 times; never an 'it'. He had to be a man!
4) He must relay revelation from God; not 'speak on his own.' (16: 13)
5) 'Parakletos' must appear to those not believing in Jesus and blame them; "they did not believe in [him]." (John 16:9)
6) And at a time when Jesus' message had been forgotten; he had to remind them. (John 14: 26)
7) He must 'teach all things'. (John 14:26)
8) And have "a lot to tell" that could not be told then, else Jesus himself would have. (John 16:12)
9) And 'guide into all truth'. (John 16:12)
10) And "bring glory to [Jesus]". (Jhn 16:14)
11) And testify about Jesus' status, special birth, and miracles. (John 14:26)
12) About the Parakletos the disciples were told on the last night as the final instruction. (John 14:30) [They already knew about the 'Holy Ghost'.]
13) Jesus would say 'Holy Ghost' if he meant that, and not call it a 'he'. He meant a man!
14) The man to come is called 'the Counselor' 5 times, the spirit of truth thrice, holy spirit twice, and 'a spirit' once.
15) The 'Holy Ghost' did not 'teach all things', and did not 'tell a lot'. It said nothing at all! Absolutely nothing!
16) It did not blame anyone for not believing in Jesus; it only 'came over' the believers.
17) The Holy Ghost is amorphous and always there. It did not come!
18) Christians believe the 'Holy Ghost' to be God; it spoke of its own and not 'only what it heard.' The Counselor, by definition, acts on behalf of another.
19) Jesus breathed on them and said, "Receive Ye the Holy Spirit" (John 20:22); Jesus did not say "Receive ye the Comforter". Spirit can be conveyed by a breath. (The actual Greek word is Pneuma Lit: breath). Comforter is a person.
20) Luke describes the coming of the Holy Ghost on the day of pentacost in 47 verses (the entire chapter Acts 2). Never does he mention the "Parakletos". Luke acknowledges receiving the Holy Ghost Jesus gifted to them after Resurrection (John 20:22), and not the Counselor Jesus promised before his arrest and the trial.
21) Peter makes a speech explaining the phenomenon of the coming of the Holy Ghost, but does not call it the promise of Jesus that was fulfilled. Peter does not
mention "Parakletos" in that speech even once.
22) Peter fails to refer to the Pentacost holy spirit as "the Counselor" promised by Jesus. Peters calls it the promise of prophet Joel (Acts 2:16), and David (Act 2:25) and not the promise of Jesus. Jesus was a man, says Peter. (Act 2:22.)
23) Peter described the purpose of the Pentacost Holy Spirit in Act 2:38. It was so people could repent and be baptized in its name, and as forgiveness for their
sins. Jesus never mentioned baptism in connection with the Comforter. Jesus never mentioned forgiveness as the purpose of the Comforter.
24) Jesus explicitly mentions "guidance into all truth" as the purpose of the Comforter. Peter never relates guidance with the Pentacost Holy Spirit.
25) The coming of the Counselor was Jesus' promise (John 16:7), neither Joel, nor David ever mentioned the Counselor (Parakletos).
26) Mat 24:11 confirms another prophet after Jesus, "And many false prophets shall rise," implying that one true prophet will arrive, while many will be false. Else, Jesus would say that all those claiming to be prophets will be false!
27) "Beloved, believe not every spirit, but try the spirits whether they are of God: because many false prophets are gone out into the world." (1 John 4:1) Clearly they were looking for a true prophet long after the Pentacost Holy Spirit.