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  1. Q

    Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I double dare you!

    That is funny. There is a proof that 1 = 0 (even thought it is wrong). Copying from Consider two non-zero numbers x and y such that x = y. Then x2 = xy. Subtract the same thing from both sides: x2 - y2 = xy - y2. Dividing by (x-y)...
  2. Q

    Morality of God

    This is a very interesting point. I did not appreciate this ealier. In a sense it removes all questions since anything can be a paradox. You can define God as good/bad/indifferent/nonexistant or as any deity ever conceived. It is hard to know something if there are no rules to understand it. I...
  3. Q

    evil and free will

    Free will is a huge problem because our thinking is to material. It seems that people see free will as some violation of cause/effect. I see what we are as complicated robots following the laws of physics. There is one very interesting website that looks at it. It is trying to show that the...
  4. Q

    Prove that the Bible is full of contradictions-- I double dare you!

    A very good website for Biblical contradictions is at He only covers the hardest to defend types of contradictions. A couple of examples: ------------- Did Abraham know God's name was Jehovah? Yes: Genesis 22:14 "And Abraham called the...
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    Morality of God

    I think this creates a paradox. If God interferes, it breaks free-will somehow because it changes the future of what would have been. Only deist type god can try to claim that he gives free-will (whatever that really is suppose to be). Is there a good argument for why the Israelites did not take...
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    Morality of God

    I can understand Sacredstar's and Dauer's position. Basically, it seems to hinge on the idea that God does not censure what people write. If God did, I don't see that He would allow for the New Testament, Book of Mormon or Quran to be written. Since people always look for explanations of events...
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    Morality of God

    I am curious as how people deal with the morality of God as protrayed in the older holy books. I will post some examples along with their Old Testament reference. I am interested to see if there is a difference in the Christian accounts and Jewish accounts. What interests me is if people...
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    Stream of Conscious Questions

    Thank you all for the great answers. Thi is actually going faster than I thought. It took me months on a Christian board to get some of these type of questions half-answered. With tens of thousands of denominations, it was hard to get anything close to an agreement on most questions. So I...
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    Stream of Conscious Questions

    Thanks, Dauer! That was some great information. I guess I will shoot off a few more. 6. Christians place a lot of importance in the Garden of Eden story as the fall of man. How does Judaism treat this? 7. Faith healing plays a lot into Christianity as well. Are there elements of faith...
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    Stream of Conscious Questions

    So I have a few questions about Judaism. Almost everything I know of it comes from Christian debate forums/websites. So let me ask a few off the top of my head: 1. Is the Old Testament the major holy book? (I believe I heard that there are some more stories like the Macabees or something.)...