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  1. T

    Understanding the Trinity

    T.S. you are great! It is completely evident that you have a desire to know God. That is what God wants. It appears that you are looking into his word. If earnest prayer is also will have understanding. A teacher of mine said :the more I learn about Him, the more I realize that...
  2. T

    How much did Jesus know he was God?

    20 "I am praying not only for these disciples but also for all who will ever believe in me because of their testimony. 21 My prayer for all of them is that they will be one, just as you and I are one, Father – that just as you are in me and I am in you, so they will be in us, and the world will...
  3. T

    interfaith marriage how to

    my wife's family are buddahists, but my wife associated herself with the LDS church in high school. She didnt attend anywhere when i met her. I was raised a "God fearin' boy" of the Southern Baptist persuasion in the south , but had fallen away after several drunken years in college and the...
  4. T

    Religion is it a Christian thing to do?

    Honestly I sometimes think the desire to read these posts and stay up a little late to see if there are any replies, open my bible program and dig for the verse that fits and all the other things we who are hooked to this site do is closer to the Fire that was. Nope I am not attacking the...
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    Religion is it a Christian thing to do?

    i truly believe that anyone who is sincerely searching for God with an openheart will find him, no matter where they are now. people in remote corners of the earth find God without being able to read the Bible. If you check your Bible, it says that God makes himself known in the very essesnce of...
  6. T

    Religion is it a Christian thing to do?

    i hope im doing this right (being a newbie and all). I want to respond to the original question if I may.. i view religion as a group of people agreeing on common worship traits. Your religion doesnt mean anything to God, its your relationship. Christianity has to do with believing Jesus died...
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    Understanding the Trinity

    luna, u done dont have to understand it....the faith without needing proof if what God has wanted fromus all along. Faith that he has our best interest at heart and faith that his plan is best....even though we cant understand it.. "Lean not on your own uderstanding"
  8. T

    If you are wrong, do you go to hell?

    t.s. Heres one for you. I like touse the example of rebuilding your car's engine. you spend a whole lot of time taking it (your life) apart trying to make it run better. when you put it back together expecting it to work, you realize that you forgot to put the most imortant part in...that...
  9. T

    Understanding the Trinity

    hi t.s. God, is Triune in essential being, revealed as Father, Son, and Holy Spirit. ( I borrowed this from the articles of faith from me church). Here's how i understand it: He is God, creator of teh universe and author of existence. He is the Son (Jesus) sent to earth so that we might...