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  1. J

    Why evil if God is so great?

    Hi happy esther, I used to study at a college in Thailand, an international college. There was a theology dept, and the dean was from Finland. His son came from Finland to study as well, but he is unlike the father. He is also my friend. Friendly, and wonderful young man. But he carries...
  2. J


    Thank you after few day of absence, the posts were read. Propanganda is term to describe the reinforcement of idea, value system upon others. It's kind of one-sided communication. It worked. Adolf Hitler was one of them. However, never in any sense I agree to do so, by writing few bit of...
  3. J


    Re:What basis? Well, bro THere is a whole lot of space to move around, by expanding ourselves, without the psychological components, e.g. id, moral, by ignoring them, we shut, whatever true or false value reinforced/posted on us. Get what I mean? There is one group of people, 2+2+=6 they...
  4. J


    Oh my, this is a dimension my lecturer recommended us to tour, and at the end of this discussion, the issue has not been sorted out! Adolf Hitler was a figure interests me lots. What if environment was well nurtured, love and compassion were shared from parents, would he make a decision to...