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  1. P

    Wearing Garments below ankle Length allowed?

    Thanks a lot for your welcome and my sincere apologies for a late reply.Well as per my understanding majority of Muslim scholars do approve we can wear clothes below ankle length but unfortunately somehow this view has not been able to crept into Pakistan culture and many people continue to...
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    Wearing Garments below ankle Length allowed?

    Wasalaam Abdullah bro, Thanks for your reply.You are absolutely right , i have had a similar understanding but I met someone who told me that all the major scholars agree and its proven that one should not wear clothes below ankle length for men.To support their view, the reference of Sahih...
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    Wearing Garments below ankle Length allowed?

    Amica sis , thanks for your timely in my understanding if something is to banned or forbidden it should be directly mentioned or be derived from the Quran. Sunnah is a guideline and can be used to refer to details about Islamic matters and should not be used to make islamic ban laws.
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    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    Saying this I still believe the thread title could somehow be aligned with the contents without significance emphasis on the denial part like "About hadiths", "are Hadiths of divine nature". XD just some random titles.
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    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    Wasalaam, Thank you Amica for your reply and clarification of your view point.I do agree many muslims tend to take them too literally which often leads to beliefs which have little to do with the real islam or represent some extreme form of it. I believe if Muslims have a general consenus that...
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    Wearing Garments below ankle Length allowed?

    Aoa, Coming back to this wonderful forum after my high intellectual University period so please excuse if somehow i don't conform to the highly sophisticated society of this forum :p Now back to the topic.There is a general understanding in Pakistan that we can't wear Pants at ankle length or...
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    Aisha r.a. and Her Marriage--Part Two

    The Thread title and the content don't go well together.The content is solely about the Hadith denial and it should be put under correct title so as to get proper responses. p.ali
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    The Oneness Of God

    That's what I intensely disagree.I have no good idea from where and how some muslims have got the same conclusion,it's not in the Quran and most probably it should not be in Bible.The idea that God is everywhere is in plain logical error.Let's assume if we can get as tiny as an atom,tiny enough...
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    The Oneness Of God

    Not really,I think if he has read the forum rules and wanted to challenge other people,he should have posted it in comparative studies forum.So i don't think it's a challenge at all. Sure,we are listening and would be glad if you educate us about the misconception that article is propagating...
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    The Oneness Of God

    Well i agree with will,copy and paste will not work here.It's against the purpose of discussion forums,if you want to deliever some message please re-write it in your own words.The only condition in which copy/paste looks rational is when your trying to support your arguments with some...
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    Assalamu Alalikum I'm back

    Waalikum Assalam, Welcome back,btw i too thinking of making an official announcement of coming back.haha jk.I have always been here reading posts,but due to my extremely busy schedule in university,could not post much.But now i have some unofficial holidays from the university,i will keep in...
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    Your Favourite Quote

    Hello everyone, After two years my favourite quotes have changed.So here are my new fav's. "All religions,arts,and sciences are the branches of the same tree".---Einstein "A life unexamined is not worth living."---Plato
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    What is religion!!

    nice question.It's somewhat both in my pov.But first comes fear of God.It's only fear that keep us going in the right path.It's also love because God cares for us,he made us and he gives us food.But God love and fear demands that you pray five times,be a good muslim. p.ali
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    How to see God everywhere and in everything

    hello lucios, Exuse me,quarks and other sub atomic particles are not waves at all.They are made up of strings ,which could vibrate in 11 dimensions.A string itself is made of energy that's what i understood from string theory.They are not waves because wave is a property of matter,particles in...
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    They might be many.While reading Surah Nisa i find this verse "Allâh does not like that the evil should be uttered in public except by him who has been wronged. And Allâh is Ever All­Hearer, All­Knower"---Quran 4-148. Kafir=denier.One who denies the truth instead of accepting it.It's arabic...
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    What do u think?

    Salaam Farhan, No site is publishing the research material or any reference to Vender Hoven and then accept muslims to forward this to other people.Certainly they are trying to portray islam as other religions which are based on blind faith. This verse is different,it means by following the...
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    What do u think?

    Hello cyberpi, Certainly Quran words and sayings must have some psyscholigcal affect on human beings,but saying a particular word has this particular affect needs verification. No,If it was from bbc religious society saying a muslims psychologist has said "saying the name jesus does cure...
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    What do u think?

    Let me quote the full report I want to know what other muslims think of this report this report is only published in arabic and islamic sites. "And do not follow (blindly) any information of which you have no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception, you must...
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    Before Muhammad?

    Muslims? have always believed in one GOd,messengers,the last day,angels,fate etc.If you mean people before arabs,then it's unclear what they really worship.I believe people had diverse beliefs before the muhammad,there was no specific religion or God,they used to worship whatever they find was...
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    THe conversation is going interesting.Why should someone except tabari interpretation and why are tabari interpretaions supposed to be always true????. The person was asking about prohibtion of music in quran and not in hadiths,i think you don't need arabic,the whole quran is availabe in...