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Let me quote the full report
Assalamu Alaikum,

Please read the following and forward it to friends,
It is very interesting!
This is about the latest report of a Netherlands
Psychologist , Vander Hoven,

REPORT: Vander Hoven, a psychologist from Netherlands,
announced his new
discovery about the effect of reading the Quran and
repeating the word
ALLAH both on patients and on normal persons. The
Dutch professor confirms
his discovery with studies and research applied on
many patients over a
period of three years. Some of his patients were
non-Muslims, others do not
speak Arabic and were trained to pronounce the word
"ALLAH" clearly; the
result was great, particularly on those who suffer
from dejection and

Al Watan, a Saudi daily reported that the psychologist
was quoted to say
that Muslims who can read Arabic and who read the
Quran regularly can
protect themselves from psychological diseases. The
psychologist explained
how each letter in the word "ALLAH" affects healing of

He pointed out in his research that pronouncing the
first letter in the word
"ALLAH" which is the letter (A), released from the
respiratory system,
controls breathing. He added that pronouncing the
velar consonant (L) in
the Arabic way, with the tongue touching slightly the
upper part of the jaw
producing a short pause and then repeating the same
pause constantly,
relaxes the aspiration. Also, pronouncing the last
letter which is the
letter (H) makes a contact between the lungs and the
heart and in turn this
contact controls the heartbeat.

What is exciting in the study is that this
psychologist is a non-Muslim, but
interested in Islamic sciences and searching for the
secrets of the Holy
Qur'an. Allah, The Great and Glorious, says, "We will
show them Our signs
in the universe and in their own selves, until it
becomes manifest to them
that This (Qur'an) is the truth". (Holy Qur'an 42:53)

Pls.send this to the rest of the Ummah!!!

I want to know what other muslims think of this report this report is only published in arabic and islamic sites.

"And do not follow (blindly) any information of which you have no direct knowledge. (Using your faculties of perception and conception, you must verify it for yourself). In the Court of your Lord, you will be held accountable for your hearing, sight, and the faculty of reasoning.”---Quran 17:36"

so my question is should we forward such reports?.
Do you believe it? Would it be different if it was from BBC with a title like "Healing by prayer" or "Healing by Faith"? Many studies on such things so it is plausible from any part of the world.

However, whether or not this study was legitimate or fiction... it doesn't really have the name of a research institute or anything. Have you any references? Where can we read the study?

Certainly Muslims believe reading the Qur'an is not only good for your body and soul, so is memorizing it, saying it, studying it, sharing it. As those verses indicate, whoever created the study and message, whoever duplicated the message, and the reasons they did so are all known to Allah (swt). Whatever is decided the reasoning is known.
Well for this claim to be legitmate , it should have the research papers of Vender Hoven on this particular research attached to it . Without it , it remains an anonymous claim .

BTW sufis have been doing this Quranic healing for over a milleneum now , based on this verse.

And We reveal of the Qur'an what is a healing
and a mercy for the believers, and the wrong-doers are not
increased except in loss" (17:82)
Hello cyberpi,
Do you believe it?
Certainly Quran words and sayings must have some psyscholigcal affect on human beings,but saying a particular word has this particular affect needs verification.

Would it be different if it was from BBC with a title like "Healing by prayer" or "Healing by Faith"? Many studies on such things so it is plausible from any part of the world.
No,If it was from bbc religious society saying a muslims psychologist has said "saying the name jesus does cure certain pscyhological diseases and now you should forward this report",Without some referece to that muslim pschologist,there is no reason to believe in it.

However, whether or not this study was legitimate or fiction... it doesn't really have the name of a research institute or anything. Have you any references? Where can we read the study?
Yah,so i don't know why some muslims are asking to forward it without verfication?.And how could some islamic sites be so naive and unsophisticated?.Faith should be rational not blind.

Salaam Farhan,
Well for this claim to be legitmate , it should have the research papers of Vender Hoven on this particular research attached to it . Without it , it remains an anonymous claim .
No site is publishing the research material or any reference to Vender Hoven and then accept muslims to forward this to other people.Certainly they are trying to portray islam as other religions which are based on blind faith.
BTW sufis have been doing this Quranic healing for over a milleneum now , based on this verse.

And We reveal of the Qur'an what is a healing
and a mercy for the believers, and the wrong-doers are not
increased except in loss" (17:82)
This verse is different,it means by following the message of Quran the problems and social diseases of the society could be healed.
Anyway I had received an email in my inbox saying sheikh of makkah has seen prophet muhammad in his dream and prophet told him the judgement day is near,so pray 5 times a day and pay zakat etc.Very good message but attributing it to shaikh of makkah and prophet muhammad is a grave mistake.Some Muslims just forward messages like this without verfication which is serious mistake.

I've seen this message before. I can't verify if this is true.

However, I do observed that by reading and memorising the Quran, it does help to prevent a person become senile. I have seen some relatives of mine (in fact my grandaunt) whom is 90+ but not senile and still perform her daily prayers. Masyallah.

Even if this isn't true, the main practise of dhikir is encouraged as it reminds us of the Creator, thus make us psychologically aware on each and every steps we take in this world. Isn't that proving what this research is suppose to confirm?

I believe it. Because once I started practicing Islam I have been feeling better physically and psychologically. There are still things I must work on, I must change, but I feel better. I think more clearly and am able to focus better.
Allah Almighty in the Holy Qur'an says that when His name is mentioned believers feel peace in their heart. And we know that the 'ugly one' attacks the heart and mind to mislead people from the Right Path. It makes sense that one would feel at peace if the Lord's Name is mentioned because the little ugly one is rebellious and runs away at the mention of the Holy Name Allah!

Also, in the culture of my homeland healing with Qur'an is very common and popular. My family has been positively affected by the healing with the prayers.

May Allah Almighty bring us all peace and health of mind and heart.