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  1. Jack Halyard

    Question about England

    I'd guess off the top o' me head, "Crosseyed Mary" by Tull.
  2. Jack Halyard

    TV series!!! :D

    Watch TV Sitcoms.Com
  3. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Talk to me, my friend I have got nothing but time... ...and and aching back.
  4. Jack Halyard


    :)Thanks from me too.:p
  5. Jack Halyard

    What Movies Have You Seen Recently?

    I watched one the other night called "Mother Night." It was written by Kurt Vonnegut and featured Nick Nolte, Alan Arkin, John Goodman and several others. It was rather confusing to a certain extent concerning post-war Nazis and some that I didn't know for sure if they were Nazis or not. I...
  6. Jack Halyard

    What music are you listening to?

    I've been listening to Duffy in the truck this week.
  7. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    (all) singing loudly In seven part harmony. Number one with a bullet.
  8. Jack Halyard

    So...What did ya do over the weekend?

    A couple of friends from work took me to see "Rain: The Beatles Experience." It was fantastic.
  9. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    It's a kissing well. It's said that Flow kisses well But I wouldn't know.
  10. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Old jungle saying: "The green mambas are in it Just for the money."
  11. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Let's go back to Ahanu shall we? Do not fear the heat. Bask in the sunshine, but don't Forget the sunscreen.
  12. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Or not. you decide. Just don't take too long my dear. The pot is boiling.
  13. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Across the dust bowl Tom Joad and the Okies go. A little of us.
  14. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Landscapes of gadgets Come in all sizes and shapes. Where's the OFF button?
  15. Jack Halyard

    The Fantastic Football Thread!

    Dauer and Alex, I totally agree with both of you about professional athletes making way too money, along with celebrities in general.:( There are plenty of ahtletes out there that would jump at the chance to play professionally for a pittance compared to what the leagues are paying now, and I...
  16. Jack Halyard

    Deb and Mark

    Hi. I hope everyone is doing well. I do skulk around here quite a bit and thought I'd add a post every once in awhile.
  17. Jack Halyard

    Deb and Mark

    Thanks to all of you for your loving words.
  18. Jack Halyard

    What music are you listening to?

    I've been listening to the soundtrack to "Once."
  19. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Noises on the sea, Neptune's children are singing Ancient sea shanties.
  20. Jack Halyard

    The Reincarnated Amazing Pseudo-Haiku Thread

    Helps us bear winter Till vernal splendor arrives In all its glory.