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  1. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    YOu have power in your imagination.
  2. J

    Is There One True Religion, One True Path to God?

    What is the truth to you?
  3. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    Yes, and the. Consequences have been anger, emotional reactions drugs, smoking and the lack of morality, and the lack of a calm mind based on resentment. All of these things are healed through the will of the creator.
  4. J

    If Jesus suddenly came to earth, would he approve of modern Christianity?

    modern. Christians are not in the presence of God today. that makes all the difference. Todays christians love one another as they are. God loves us from what we are. One is the love of the world. One one is the love of God..
  5. J

    Is There One True Religion, One True Path to God?

    Not all paths lead to Finding truth.
  6. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    Scripture: "Of ourselves we. Can do nothing" I KNOW YOU DONT KNOw THE DIFFEERENCE You will never. Find it being religious.
  7. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    sorry to disagree with you people. Because once you find God you will have HIs nature and the law will be in your heart. Your desire for God, is morality.
  8. J

    Why do YOU post here?

    pure bordom at the moment.
  9. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    No, one does not have to believe in God for morality. Either one has to be a decent human being moral as a gift from God.and remain a doubting Thomas. WHats a Father to do with a rebelious child,, only G od knows.
  10. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    Written laws are ease to break. When the law is written in our hearts there is no temptation to break them.
  11. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    perhaps it is too objective for many, but many who also are truly Christians, who have a relationship with the Holy Spirit know without a doubt believe in their very souls and know God. it is obvious that you have not found it yet. The bible says many will not. Idon't believe we have the...
  12. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    anyone can claim to believe, anyone can claim anything. but words don't mean a thing if , as they say, words don't mean a thing. If you ain't got that thing. goodnight.
  13. J

    God for atheists, agnostics, doubters, religious humanists and others

    you do not use your intellect unless you are seeking God just by reading it. but by expieriencing the Holy spirit.who gives insights.
  14. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    Hi nice to meet you. I have gone through years of overcoming my angry nature and without trying, my morality changed naturally. I couldnt have said better than your reply.
  15. J

    Is a belief in God necessary for morality - A new study

    I dont belive believing In god has anything to with morality. I believe when a person is seeking to overcome their pains and tribulations, they will become better people, not trying to be moral, yet finding their morals change In the proccess.
  16. J

    What makes you, you?

    We are not one identity until GOd changes our fallen nature. Only then can we be who GOd wants us to be. until then we have other identies.
  17. J

    The Belief O Matic

    I dont take tests, the answeres come from within not from man made tests. I do not study.
  18. J

    Is There One True Religion, One True Path to God?

    the one that leads one to truths about oneself.
  19. J

    good vs. evil

    if there are different levels of a continuum it is all evil.