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    Satanist think there is no Satan, Luciferians think there is no Lucifer, most Atheists are not saying that God definitely doesn't exist but just that they are not sure whether he does or not - where does it end?
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    Birth of the Devil

    Very interesting. I'm going to search for more videos like that right now.
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    You do not need ANYONE to show you the way

    There are some things that I feel someone else can show me, especially if I don't know anything about whatever subject it is. But that doesn't mean I wont use common sense.
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    Were the Wicker Man films Hollywood baloney?

    Nicholas Cage does everything from that movie to the Left Behind movie, he can't be considered credible.
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    World Peace & Removal of Terrorism

    True, religion is not the problem. Anything can be taken to far and be put to an unhealthy extreme. Religion is no different.
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    Scientology: Good or Bad?

    Scientology has it's good parts and bad parts. I think that it only gets demonized in the media because people don't like some of the celebrities who are apart of scientology.