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  1. S

    What's your take on the 2nd commandment?

    the second commandment also includes ascribing any physical limited form to our Creator. Hence, even if we want to pray to One true Gd creator of universe, and u objectify him in shape of krishha or gilden calf or jzs, it still transgresses the 2nd commandment. Possibly the third as well...
  2. S

    Why Christians believe in Jesus although he doesn't fulfill the prophecies??

    umm> jzs did NOT fulfill any prophecies, neither had he FORETOLD anything (simply bcuz the newt.test. got written AFTER he died) so u might 'like' him, but he didn't accomplish anything, besides popping out of poor miriam's privates and declaring the unprovable ability to 'forgive sins' instead...
  3. S

    Should the Ten Commandments be updated -- for 21st century atheists..?

    hey, some ppl aren't comfortable with eating kosher. so let's decide it doesn't apply anymore. or, bcuz some guy got the hots for neighbor's wife, or for poking his neighbor's butt, let's just forget the whole 'holiness' thang...
  4. S

    Should the Ten Commandments be updated -- for 21st century atheists..?

    either we believe that our 'Manufacturer' had spoken at Sinai, or let's not bother with the commandments at all. But if u believe them to be Gd's word, hey ignore it at ur own peril.
  5. S

    commandments acc. to xianity

    be warned: i'm jewish. my question is, why xians falsely claim that mr.J has 'fulfilled' the mitzvahs, so gentiles don't have to. either u consider the torah an actual Gd's will, or not. the mitzvahs aren't 'suggestions'. then again, the torah was given to jews. so unless u convert to...