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    Evolution v ID v Desire

    Would you like to check out this link? Nitai
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    Proofs for existence of God

    Hare Krishna I will make some points just for fun, although I think, nobody here is interested to realize God, or as I mentioned before to attain vigyan. **For people of faith, it means thinking about the best and most truthful way of applying reason in support of that faith, and not...
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    Proofs for existence of God

    Hare Krishna, I was long time here although I started the thread. I read some posts because I don't' have much time, but generally it seems to me that all of you are good word and logic jugglers. You didn't prove nor disprove the existence of God. The problem is that by material logic and...
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    How to see God everywhere and in everything

    Hare Krishna Here are some remarks (R) and answers (A) on them for clarification. 1# Someone could immediately ask is it really possible, to see God everywhere and in everything, in every step of our lives? R - The question is based on blind belief that God is everywhere. A - And accepting...
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    Sex and Religion...

    Hare Krishna I don't know much about this phenomena you are interested, but to be lesbian or a gay is explained to be because of the unfortunate combination of a mindset and body, namely one can have a body of a woman and have a mindset of a man or have a body of a man but have a mindset of a...
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    How to see God everywhere and in everything

    Hare Krishna Someone could immediately ask is it really possible, to see God everywhere and in everything, in every step of our lives? The Vedic wisdom says, "YES". As much more ones love of God increase so much more one can see God everywhere. Moreover, the time of thinking about God is also...
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    The Use of Spirituality

    Hare Krishna Interesting points. I have again some comments and I hope you will be not offended by them. So, let me analyze what you wrote. * all people are unique and the way they will express devotion will therefore be different. # there are basically 9 ways to express devotion to God, by...
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    Proofs for existence of God

    Hare Krishna Here is some more nectar, 1. Since everything comes from something and nothing comes from nothing, there must necessarily be an origin or a source for all that exists. 2. Since so many persons exist within reality the source must possess personality. Otherwise how could it...
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    Why Hare Krishna? The knowledge gives me the most information about the purpose of this material world; about God and the process of self-realization. Because the chanting of the holy name of God, elevates the consciousness to the platform of love of God, Krishna. Because there are so many...
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    The Use of Spirituality

    Hare Krishna, interesting post Brian. I would like to give some comments. I hope you will continue to be peaceful. You made some good points. Others are reflecting, as the Vedic wisdom would say, the mode of goodness. # spirituality is a natural transcendental attitude * Correct, it is...
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    Reincarnation in all religions

    Hare Krishna For few days I was not on my computer and so, I did not see your incoming posts. All are very interesting although not all of them in agreement with Vedic opinion. I would like to comment on all the posts but it is too much. So anyway, I picked up some points. Please, don't be...
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    One God with many names / One religion with many names

    Hare Krishna There is only one religion for all people in the world. But that is not Christianity, nor Islam, nor Hinduism, nor any other religion of this world. So, what is then that religion I speak about? That is the eternal religion of the soul IOW love of God. Using the analogy of the...
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    Proofs for existence of God

    Hare Krishna I would like to give just a small suggestion for clarifying the word 'proof'. It seems that there are different understandings of this term. So, some use the word 'proof' only in the sense that only material tangible things can proof something. Their conclusion is therefor, that...
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    How We Greet One Another

    Hare Krishna Interesting translation of namaste. Hmm. "i bow to the divine in you. when you are in that place in you and i am in that place in me, there is but one of us." It is however, very impersonalistic. The mayavadi school considers all the souls are ultimately the one Brahman. This...
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    Proofs for existence of God

    Hare Krishna, Thank you for the interesting remarks. They are the proof that you are an intelligent seeker of the truth. So, here are few comments that, I hope, will a bit clarify the doubts. Let see. # How can I differentiate this evidence from personal delusion? * If my guess is right...
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    How We Greet One Another

    Hare Krishna The explanation and the purpose of greeting other persons with the words Hare Krishna is as follows. Hare means the energy of God, Krishna. That energy can connect one to Krishna, God. Whether one hears or says Hare Krishna the spiritual sound vibration Hare Krishna will act...
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    Sex and Religion...

    Hare Krishna Hare are some jewels of wisdom about sex and spirituality. 1) "When one becomes detestful to sex life, that is the beginning of spiritual life. That is the beginning of spiritual life." 2) Don't (play) or dally with the opposite sex, (even if it is your service to deal with...
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    The Use of Spirituality

    Hare Krishna Before making a serious decision one should thoroughly understand the existence of soul and God. There is a say - 'religion without philosophy is sentimentalism and philosophy without religion is fanaticism. Some people are only sentimental in their religious practice and...
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    Reincarnation in all religions

    Hare Krishna Reincarnation in Buddhism Usually, the word used in Buddhism is not "reincarnation" (meaning a new "embodiment" of the same soul), but "rebirth" (meaning a new birth with some aspects, dispositions, carried forward into this new birth and new body). Sometimes it is said in...
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    Reincarnation in all religions

    Hare Krishna * I don't believe the animals are lower spiritually than us. In fact, in some ways they are higher. # The point is when you see the animals how they live completely depending and serving their senses, you can understand that they cannot even think about the soul. The Vedas say...