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  1. M


    The Tabligh work is the most influencial Islamic Dawah group in the world. The Tablighi Ijtema (Gathering) that takes place every year in Bangladesh is the biggest gathering in the world. Over 5 Million people from all over the world come and join the Ijtema. What does everyone think about...
  2. M

    Darul Uloom Deoband, the no.1 Madressa in the world

    The day of Thursday, 15th Muharram, A.H. 1283 (May 30, 1866), was that blessed and auspicious day in the Islamic history of India when the foundation stone for the renaissance of Islamic sciences was laid in the land of Deoband. Maulana Qasim RA saw the prophet Muhammad SAW in his dream telling...
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    Sex and Religion...

    As far as im concerned, you are allowed to look at the wife's vagina but it is preferred that you dont because of modesty, it isnt totally forbidden