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  1. Wakiza

    something i have been thinking about

    There is a pig farm in our area...and the guy has a tanker of sorts in which he mixes the pig manure with water from a local stream, and then spreads it on his fields, the final product be it feed for cattle or "veggies" goes to feed humans. Sorry about your sister and hope she continues to...
  2. Wakiza

    Personal Beliefs (Taken from "I need enlightenment" thread)

    Well, I have almost no political beliefs, so we can skip that. My spiritual beliefs can be summed up by the Nicean Creed: We believe in one God, the Father All-sovereign, maker of heaven and earth, and of all things visible and invisible;etc.etc. English Language Definitions....just so that...
  3. Wakiza

    The single, unifying religion

  4. Wakiza

    I want to be strong...

    >Why is everyone against the Muslims? Of course we know that not everyone is against the Muslims, not even in the US, and especially not in Canada and most other countries. Below is a quote from Reuters news service on Aug. 16 2005. -Three quarters of those polled worried the United States...
  5. Wakiza

    something i have been thinking about

    Perhaps some observant prophet or priest noticed at some point in time, that people who ate pork had more illness (trichinosis, tapeworms etc.) than those who didn't eat the stuff. Then decided that a prohibition was in order, hence the ban on pork. I think that common sense and keen...