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  1. G

    The Urantia Book

    It is not so much false information as incomplete. The Revelaters tell us any info they give us will eventually become outdated as human knowledge expands...
  2. G

    The Urantia Book

    Some one had asked about the human sources. and plagarism. I wanted to reply that the book tells us it is using human sources, more than 1,000 to help convey the revelation to us. Who better to understand our language and phonetics, than other humans? 5 - (0:12.11) In formulating the...
  3. G

    The Urantia Book

    Here is a link for the Urantia Book with great search features I do not own a PDF but know you cann read it online off various websites. I am a reader for more than 30 years and would love to discuss.