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  1. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    I believe the biggest obstacle we face is agreeing on what is real and what isn’t. In my view, the only thing that is truly real is consciousness or awareness. Everything else is made up—it’s make-believe, an illusion, or whatever term you prefer. It’s malleable and constantly changing, with no...
  2. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    Thanks For your reply, I'm at work right now but 0erhaps tonight or tomorrow I will go through it all and give you a response. At a quick glance , there's some very good questions there.
  3. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    Quantum physics suggests that multiple states of existence for tiny particles can all be possible at the same time, which some say could mean that multiple realities can exist simultaneously. This is because a "wave function" in quantum mechanics encapsulates all of these possibilities. For...
  4. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    Creation can happen from any direction. By J Davies I have previously discussed creation in a very linear manner, which can be somewhat misleading. The truth of the matter is that no one really knows for certain what created what. It is akin to the age-old question of the chicken or the egg. No...
  5. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    Which came first, gravity or light? A new theory suggests that extreme forces of gravity after the big bang may have been so incredibly strong that they created the universe's first light.Apr 13, 2023 Gravitational waves After the Big Bang, gravitational waves may have built up into large...
  6. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    In quantum physics, the observer effect is the idea that observing a quantum phenomenon can change the results of the observation. This is because the act of measurement necessarily involves interacting with the object being measured, which can affect its properties. For example, in the...
  7. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    Quantum physics describes the behavior of the physical world at its most basic level and suggests that things may not exist when we don't perceive them. For example, quantum experiments have shown that particles can spread out like waves and appear to be in more than one place at once. In this...
  8. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    I did not write any of these these are just a bunch of different articles that I find interesting. Big Bang theory states that the universe began as a singularity, or a point that contained all the precursors to the universe in a region so small that it had no size. This singularity was...
  9. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    Assumptions What are assumptions and how do they work? Assumptions are not beliefs. Beliefs are mental and are much easier to change than assumptions. The mind is actually more malleable than most people think. If someone is willing and open, they can change their mind quite easily...
  10. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    I'd have to say.I agree with him
  11. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    I would love to hear how you see. And I never said there's was only one way. You can say there's as many ways to becoming enlightened. As there are people on the planet . There is no wrong ways and there is no right way. There is just how you prefer the experience. To me that is the beauty...
  12. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    What is allowing Allowing is just allowing. There is no process to it. The moment you turn allowing into a process, you rip away its multidimensionality. It becomes a linear process that is then weighed down by mental gravity; it is no longer expansive. Allowing will carry you out of the...
  13. J

    The physics of enlightenment

    This is just a little of how I see the process of enlightenment. Let me know if you prefer this format better or not. I know my writing style can be difficult for some. I exist I am that I am, I exist and I am aware that I existence. You have always existed. You were never created, in fact...
  14. J

    Power is a illusion

    Hello everyone, I just want to take a moment to introduce myself, share what I believe and don’t believe, and give you a little backstory. First of all, I must confess that I don’t quite know what I’m doing. I have no experience in expressing myself or my experiences with others. I will...
  15. J

    Understanding esoterism

    You will have to expand what on you mean. I'm not the sharpest tool in the shed. How do you mean they are incapable and what do mean by esoteric ideas. I believe it's just the physics Of consciousness and energy, but when you talk about consciousness the unknowable. You can only talk about it in...
  16. J

    Understanding esoterism

    I don't see it as a paradox, let take time as a example. Let start with no time, which is just a eternal now. You are in this no time just being Awareness you had no body no mind your not happy or sad you have no needs or wants. There isn’t even space and if their was you wouldn't even know...
  17. J

    New Messiahs

    The cats though come from it mind not it's consciousness. The mind keeps the cat alive so consciousness can keep experienceing being a cat.. I also really enjoyed what you wrote. It really shows that truth just never changes. We can use different words or philosophies to express that truth...
  18. J

    New Messiahs

    All of creation is just energy, and energy cannot exist without consciousness. So everything has consciousness below the surface. But it doesn't mean everything has a soul. My cat has a very limited consciousness.It just knows that it is a cat. Doesn't have any opinions About being a cat and...
  19. J

    Power is a illusion

    Hey everyone, I just want to let you know that I am dylexic. So sometimes things make more sense in my mind than they do on the page. If anybody has trouble reading anything I wrote just let me know I'll try to rewrite it to make it more clear.
  20. J

    Power is a illusion

    don’t see it as a paradox. Let’s take time as an example. Let’s start with no time, which is just an eternal now. You are in this no-time just being Awareness. You have no body, no mind; you are not happy or sad; you have no needs or wants. There isn’t even space, and if there was, you wouldn’t...