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  1. M

    Conversion Help!

    Wow, I vaguely remember posting this years ago. Since then I have abandoned my conversion attempt. I do not feel an outsider can actually convert unless they know someone who is already within the Jewish community. I also think that it would be much easier to convert if you are converting for...
  2. M

    The laughing buddha?

    I think the buying of buddhas has become quite fashionable. Maybe it is a fad? I found this description of the laughing buddha: The Buddhist figure named Hotei or Pu-Tai is better known as the jolly Laughing Buddha. In China, he is known as the Loving or Friendly One. He has become...
  3. M

    Shin Buddhism

    I am interested in learning more about the actual activities that occur during a shin buddhist service. I have been reading much about Shinran and so far find this branch of buddhism to be quite interesting. I am a little concerned about the "faith in Amida" part though from what I gather...
  4. M

    Celtic Christianity

    Is anyone here currently attending a Celtic Christian church? I am curious to find out what it is all about, being mostly celtic, I am drawn to that sect. Kendra
  5. M

    For love of Christianity?

    Hi and thanks for all the responses. I think I was just trying to look for support and also that I am not alone in this doubt thing. I think for the time being I will be a christian but an unchurched one. It seems as though there are so many "qualifications" to join. I guess I don't have to...
  6. M

    For love of Christianity?

    My suggestion is prayer.. I have to say, why is it that all christians insist prayer will help? I have prayed and prayed and prayed. Nothing seems to change. I did a little study in my life where I was troubled. One situation I prayed and one I didn't. They both ended relatively peacefully...
  7. M

    For love of Christianity?

    Hi, thanks for the welcome! My views on spirituality and religions change day to day. I guess because I was raised as a very eclectic catholic that I don't fit anywhere. I guess I am hoping someone can guide me into something. Deep down inside I do believe in God but I am not sure about...
  8. M

    Conversion Help!

    What specifically draws you to Judaism? What specifically pushes you away from Catholicism? Judaism interests me and fascinated me. It is such a whole way of living. The rules are set out and it is also the community feeling that appeals to me. Catholicism pushes me away with it's rules...
  9. M

    Conversion Help!

    I am thinking about converting to Judaism but I feel a little lost. I come from a catholic background and I am not sure I will ever really feel jewish. My husband is not jewish he is buddhist though he is supportive. I have contacted a synagogue but I am just not sure I am fooling myself. Do...
  10. M

    For love of Christianity?

    I am curious to see how many christians out there have doubts? How many have converted to other religions? I am currently in a bit of a panic. I just don't know what I believe in. I like the "celtic christian" church and come from a catholic irish family but I don't know if I can fully...