For love of Christianity?


eternally confused
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I am curious to see how many christians out there have doubts? How many have converted to other religions?

I am currently in a bit of a panic. I just don't know what I believe in. I like the "celtic christian" church and come from a catholic irish family but I don't know if I can fully embrace that.

I am married to a Buddhist and about two months ago I nearly converted to Judaism. I stopped because I knew I could never really be jewish since my family are nothing but catholics.

I am so lost that I don't know what to do!! I have tried so many christian churches that I have lost count. I have been everything from a wiccan to a taoist. Why can't I find a fit? Does everyone have a natural spiritual home? Do I just need to find mine?

Is anyone else going through this?

Please respond,

Hi maitri, welcome to CR. :)

I think it is normal and a sign of spiritual growth to have doubts about one's religion. Sort of like tilling the soil before a new burst of growth, in my opinion.

Deep breath, keep your sights on loving-kindess (taught by all religions as far as I can tell), and you're doing fine. In my search I left Christianity for a while, and during that time I grew and learned and lot (especially about Christianity). :) Sometimes it's easier from the outside looking in.

Hi maitri - welcome to CR. :)

Sounds like what you're really looking for is a label to fight in. It might even be suggested that what you're really looking for is an authority voice to tell you what Truth is, so that you don't have to keep thinking for it anymore.

Perhaps the struggle is more one of not being able to accept your own views and experiences as valid enough in themselves?

Simply asking.
I said:
Hi maitri - welcome to CR. :)

Sounds like what you're really looking for is a label to fight in. It might even be suggested that what you're really looking for is an authority voice to tell you what Truth is, so that you don't have to keep thinking for it anymore.

Perhaps the struggle is more one of not being able to accept your own views and experiences as valid enough in themselves?

Simply asking.

Hi, thanks for the welcome!

My views on spirituality and religions change day to day. I guess because I was raised as a very eclectic catholic that I don't fit anywhere.

I guess I am hoping someone can guide me into something. Deep down inside I do believe in God but I am not sure about the nature of God. I am really not sure about Jesus. Did he want us to create a new religion based on him? Did he want us to be jews? Why did we lose all of his jewishness?

Very good point by the way about me not being able to accept my own beliefs. I will have a good think on that.

i have never doubted Jesus & the BIble, the Holy Ghost wont let me. quite frankly, i have never doubted the orthodox Jew either.

this is a one on one path with God through Jesus, & you are the only one who can walk that lonesome path & find it not so lonesome when you realize this is about God & you. Keep your eyes on Jesus & not every little wind that blows around you.
No one religion is going to have all the answers.
hope that helps a little.
Does everyone have a natural spiritual home? Do I just need to find mine?
Maitri, YOU are the temple of God's Holy Spirit. YOU are the natural spiritual home for God's Spirit.
I guess I am hoping someone can guide me into something. Deep down inside I do believe in God but I am not sure about the nature of God.
Draw close to God, and God will draw close to you. Clean out the bad stuff from the temple of your heart, and cultivate Godly qualities. Learn and study, and continue to grow spiritually. You can be sure you are on the right track when you start showing the fruits of the Spirit.
God Bless. :)
I agree with lunamoth and I agree with Bandit. God leads everyone differently. We all have different needs and expectations and He is so wonderful to let us each be unique. My suggestion is prayer.. Thomas doubted its a beautiful story and the Lord loved him and guided him.. I have doubted things from my faith and my faith is stronger now for that fact because in those doubts I despaired and I prayed.. I was open to Him in my broken Spirit. I read my bible and I asked Him for answers.. and He showed me. There was a lot of peace in reading the bible for me.

I guess I dont know myself very well lol because Ive had other peoples faith and revelations carry me through times.. Mostly my moms.. I believe she is my spiritual older sister that God gave me to teach me about Him.. The amazing thing is that as my walk with Jesus grew closer.. I became that person for my mom at times.
My suggestion is prayer..

I have to say, why is it that all christians insist prayer will help? I have prayed and prayed and prayed. Nothing seems to change. I did a little study in my life where I was troubled. One situation I prayed and one I didn't. They both ended relatively peacefully.

Why does God allow atheists to be successful? How could it be that someone like the Dalai Lama could end up in hell? If believing in God is just about getting into heaven why not wait and repent while I am dying?

I really want to understand.

Maitri said:
My suggestion is prayer..

I have to say, why is it that all christians insist prayer will help? I have prayed and prayed and prayed. Nothing seems to change. I did a little study in my life where I was troubled. One situation I prayed and one I didn't. They both ended relatively peacefully.

Why does God allow atheists to be successful? How could it be that someone like the Dalai Lama could end up in hell? If believing in God is just about getting into heaven why not wait and repent while I am dying?

I really want to understand.


could be you prayed amiss? & the way you want it is not what is best at that time?

prayer is the key to heaven, but faith unlocks the door
prayer without faith is like an anchor wihtout an oar

you might not get the opportunity to spend 30 days in a nice clean hospital dying. i think there is more to it than just believing, it is not like drudgery.
i have found it best to leave the afterlife issues in the hands of God & do the best that i can do now.

Who says all atheists are successful? or all believers are not?
maybe hang with someone who has been walking by faith for a long time & see how they do it.
maybe someone else was praying for you at the time you stopped praying?
i think answers come over time to all these questions.:)
Hi Maitri--

I used to be one of the "regulars" here, but I am not here much anymore. (But I am still here:))

I know I should probably read through this thread thoroughly before I post anything. Alas--time and resposibilitieis do not permit. (I did scroll through...)

You have asked some very valid questions--I'll bet you know it, too. Are you looking for someone like me to answer them?

The truth is that I cannot. I can only lead you back to the One who can answer them. In the meantime, I can relate my own experiences to you about how this works.

It would be at least a book--:D

In fact, the Truth would take up so much volume that the world could not stand it. (I usually have John online, but have had some computer trouble lately--thank God, his writings are still here in my heart.)

I apologize that I do not have more time to address this thread--

In the meantime, I will be lifting you up to the eyes of Love--something you might be doing already, but I will too:) Do the same for me?

Maitri said:
My suggestion is prayer..

I have to say, why is it that all christians insist prayer will help? I have prayed and prayed and prayed. Nothing seems to change. I did a little study in my life where I was troubled. One situation I prayed and one I didn't. They both ended relatively peacefully.

Why does God allow atheists to be successful? How could it be that someone like the Dalai Lama could end up in hell? If believing in God is just about getting into heaven why not wait and repent while I am dying?

I really want to understand.

Hello, Kendra. :)
Prayer goes hand in hand with meditation, such as meditating on scriptures and other spiritual matters. Learning is essential in order to develop understanding. Prayer is great for providing direction for putting the things you learn in context. It is a synergetic process, that requires both elements in the right balance for you.
I hope this helps. :)
You ever hear that song by Garth Brooks.. unanswered prayers? Its like that.. you dont know what Gods plans are so while your praying you're putting the ball in His court. Another thing.. He knows our needs and our wants.. before we do. So if something came out peacefully without having to pray on it.. I would be praising Him for not making me go to Him. lol

Prayer is part listening also.. we get so caught up in telling Him our problems and our needs that we dont take time to listen to Him answer. Thats part of meditating is just being quiet and listening.

It also depends on what your praying for... are you asking Him to give you answers and are seeking them with all your heart? Or are you rebelling and demanding those answers with the threat of turning away..?
I love these message boards...I get more spiritual food and comfort here than I ever found at church during my last few years of being a churchgoer.

What a great bunch of people. Thanks, all.
Maitri said:
I am curious to see how many christians out there have doubts? How many have converted to other religions?

I am currently in a bit of a panic. I just don't know what I believe in. I like the "celtic christian" church and come from a catholic irish family but I don't know if I can fully embrace that.

I am married to a Buddhist and about two months ago I nearly converted to Judaism. I stopped because I knew I could never really be jewish since my family are nothing but catholics.

I am so lost that I don't know what to do!! I have tried so many christian churches that I have lost count. I have been everything from a wiccan to a taoist. Why can't I find a fit? Does everyone have a natural spiritual home? Do I just need to find mine?

Is anyone else going through this?

Please respond,


Hmmm, at some point in every person's life the five Ws come to the forefront:

Who am I
Why am I here
What is my purpose
Where am I going
When will I know

The only way to find out, is to go seek the answers. Sounds to me that that is what you are doing.

Everyone here seems to be noting the same thing. Belief and faith, ultimately comes from within, not from without. Even the Bible states the simple but profound truth...The laws of God are written in the heart/soul of each and every human, from the moment of birth.

If we embrace these laws rather than avoid or ignore them, order comes rather quickly into our lives. Things begin to make more sense, and our vision/understanding becomes clearer.

Since you posted your questions on the Christian forum, I will give my thoughts as one. Jesus (for me) offers hope, solace, a personal and intimate relationship with Him. I take comfort in that. I also like the model of living that Jesus provides for me to emmulate. I may not always achieve that standard, but then, I am a work in progress, and Jesus does not judge me for stumbling. Like the "foot prints in the sand" poem, there have been times when I was carried on His back.

I also find that I can argue with Him (really get angry), and He never uses it against me, nor does He turn away from me. In fact, He seems to draw even closer. Eventually, I find the answers I seek, or realize that what I was asking was irrelevent (not that it wasn't important, just that it was guise for what I really wanted to know).

There have also been times where I was at risk of life and limb, and Jesus literally stepped in and intervened. And He has used me as a tool for intervening on other's behalf, for similar situations.

So, Christianity works for me and my life. It wasn't always this way, but God is patient with us, if we actively seek Him/Her/It. ;)

my thoughts.


Hi and thanks for all the responses. I think I was just trying to look for support and also that I am not alone in this doubt thing.

I think for the time being I will be a christian but an unchurched one. It seems as though there are so many "qualifications" to join. I guess I don't have to join but I would like it to be an option.

I called a local catholic church a few months back and the as much as said I couldn't be confirmed because of my husband being non-christian. If I do decide to attend a church I would either go C of E or United Church of Canada.

What churches do you all attend? What are the differences?

Maitri said:
Hi and thanks for all the responses. I think I was just trying to look for support and also that I am not alone in this doubt thing.

I think for the time being I will be a christian but an unchurched one. It seems as though there are so many "qualifications" to join. I guess I don't have to join but I would like it to be an option.

I called a local catholic church a few months back and the as much as said I couldn't be confirmed because of my husband being non-christian. If I do decide to attend a church I would either go C of E or United Church of Canada.

What churches do you all attend? What are the differences?


hi Kendra:)

i think it is difficult today to find a good home church that works for every individual. I still think there are some good ones out there where the leadership is doing the best they can with what they know.
i never understood the signing of a roster & becoming a member under an agreement.

i put up a little about my home church up at the top under MY CHURCH.

so, while you are kind of shopping around, you can hang with the rest of us, right here if you want to.