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  1. E99

    wy do people think jesus was god

    Hi Quahom 1 Your quote: He has not as yet assumed His mantle of Divinty at the time of the meeting. Quite simple. Please explain, giving scriptural back-up where possible. Forever learning and wanting to learn new concepts regarding the ideas that 'Jesus is God'
  2. E99

    wy do people think jesus was god

    More Dor.... Your quote: Matthew28:20 Teaching them to observe all things whatsoever I have commanded you: and, lo, I am with you always, even unto the end of the world. Amen. Is this scripture in some way helping to prove the existance of a triune God ? Usually the previous verse 19 is...
  3. E99

    wy do people think jesus was god

    Hello Dor Your quote: John 20:28 And Thomas answered and said unto him, My Lord and my God. This scripture can give its true meaning to what Thomas was saying by using Jesus’ own words.......After Jesus' resurrection Jesus had sent a message to his apostles, including Thomas, in which he...
  4. E99

    a study in the understanding yhwh & elohim

    Hello Bananabrain ( Which you are not):) Your quote: i'm sure i've pointed out elsewhere that just because you refer to someone a multiple number of ways they are all different people. my mum is my mum, she is my father's wife, she is my son's grandma, she is her father's daughter, all of...
  5. E99

    a study in the understanding yhwh & elohim

    Hi Quahom...long time no see... Your quote: (Regarding my post no.6) This is of course your opinion. There are those who have spent their lives studying the Bible and they disagree with you, as do the greater majority (95% +) of those professing to be Christian in faith. A little out...
  6. E99

    a study in the understanding yhwh & elohim

    Hi Blazn Your quote: Yahweh (Jehovah) is translated as LORD. This is the pre-incarnate Jesus. Yahweh is used with reference to God's personal relationship with man. True, Yahweh, Yahoweh or Jehovah is translated as Lord, but it is not the correct transliteration. It is only by the want...
  7. E99

    a study in the understanding yhwh & elohim

    Hi Blazn: Your Quote: Elohim is translated as God and stands primarily for God the Father, the Almighty one. Elohim is used with reference to God's sovereignty over all. Elohim also stands for the plurality of God (holy trinity) True, regarding the first points but, no, sorry, there is...
  8. E99


    Hello Wil Your quote: Again I'm wondering, if this is old testament texts...and the Jews think a worldwide flood did not happen, that this is a metaphor, and this stems from their books...why do Christians think it did? It is thought like this that turns people away...that Noah actually...
  9. E99

    the Bible from a Jehovah's Witness perspective

    Hello Mee....and all You quote from Timothy 2: 3,4 ....The NWT is a good translation, the usage of the words ’All sorts of men’ is reasonable, although, I have always felt that the insertion of the word ‘accurate’ is pushing it a bit. However, the Greek word epignosis used in this text; and...
  10. E99

    Did Lazerus' soul rise when he died?

    Hello Tommy Your quote: How could the resurrection of Lazerus not be real? Lazurus' Mother was like any mum (isn't that how you say it in the UK?) and I believe it was real. This is what upset the religious leaders that wanted Jesus put to death. If it was just a meade up story why did they...
  11. E99

    Did Lazerus' soul rise when he died?

    Johnp..... My quote: Still using the English transliterated words only. 2 Peter 2:9 Again the Greek word here is kolaso, which I've tried to show previously... means to cut off. Your quote: To hold: 1 a : to retain in one's keeping : maintain possession of : not give up or relinquish...
  12. E99

    Did Lazerus' soul rise when he died?

    Hi Johnp (Again) My quote: The literal scriptures counter the figurative one. Your quote: I recognise no distinction, who says ? Literal speech against figurative speech is like fact .v. part fiction. It comes down to weighing up metaphorical speech against the literal occurrence. When...
  13. E99

    Did Lazerus' soul rise when he died?

    Hi Johnp Like you John I’m always busy, so a late reply. My quote: Please do look into the Greek, Hebrew words and grammar used in the scriptures. Your quote: It is unavoidable really. As you say, English wasn't around at the time but nevertheless I cannot place myself above the...
  14. E99

    Did Lazerus' soul rise when he died?

    Johnp..... My quote: Jesus could raise up the temple of his body in the sense that he had the authority to receive life again. Your quote: But that isn't what Jesus said is it? He said He would rise it didn't He? "Destroy this temple, and I will raise it again in three days." John 2:19...
  15. E99

    Did Lazerus' soul rise when he died?

    Hi Johnp I was not being patronising when I said that it is good that you believe that all of the scriptures are 'God breathed.' I think that this is excellent because it is a rare quality. We are in agreement here, but obviously not on how God breathed his words, but we can learn new...
  16. E99

    Did Lazerus' soul rise when he died?

    Hello Johnp Your quote: Dead forever yes but concious. God told Adam that in the day he touch the tree he would die. His seperation from God is evidenced by the fact that Adam hid himself from God, the seperation of our spirit and His had taken place. That is the biblical meaning of the word...
  17. E99

    Trinity? Stake Vs Cross Vs Tree

    Hello Thomas Your quote: Consider: In reference to the English martyrs, say, or other victims of the Reformation, we refer to them as 'having died at the stake', then according to the logic of this argument, which is the truth must endorse the opinion held, this can only mean they died by...
  18. E99

    Trinity? Stake Vs Cross Vs Tree

    Hi Quahom Sorry, a late reply, I've been busy......also delayed by three extra minutes on getting to this site through a plethora of dialogue boxes..." Do you want to remortgage ? Only $800.00 admin fees...You've won a holiday in Bermuda.....send us £3000.00 to claim your prize." etc...
  19. E99

    Trinity? Stake Vs Cross Vs Tree

    Hello Quahom Your quote: I find irony in anyone who refuses to read the entire passage. However, I will ask you E99, what did the Messiah carry to His death? Perhaps you can enlighten us. Stauros meant stake, agreed. What is the cross beam called? And why would Jesus be forced to carry it...
  20. E99

    Trinity? Stake Vs Cross Vs Tree

    Hello Thomas Your quote: "Early Christian writers without exception wrote the language of their time, the Greek Koine... The New Testament has very little relationship to the artificial representation of the language of Attic [Greek] prose in the literature and rhetoric of the Roman imperial...