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  1. M

    offensive or not?

    I've never heard of the word derka before either, but might be an onomatopoeia describing the sound of a horse :confused: About the word "Jihad", it doesn't necesserily mean "holy war". In a general sense, it means striving to improve something. So for example, by striving to do good deeds...
  2. M

    What does islams view on Buddha and his teachings

    ^ yeah, i support what you say too. Also, as long as the teachings of Buddhism or any other religion doesn't contradict with Islam, its accepted and welcomed. Especially if it teaches good manners. Prohpet Muhammd (pbuh) said "Indeed I was sent to prefect the good manners" (btw, thats a poor...
  3. M

    About The End time in Islam

    As a response to the original topic, I think that we are getting very close. On the other hand we are not in the critical time yet. Many non-major signs have showed up already as it have been pointed already, but no major signs yet. And as the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) said, when a major sign...
  4. M

    About The End time in Islam

    Am not sure if he knew whats in the teachings of the OT/NT or not, but i know for a fact that he was illiterate (didnt read or write). Also, dont forget that the angel that decended with the words of God to all the prophets (pbut) including the prophet Muhammad (pbuh) was the same angel Gabriel...
  5. M


    Like i said before, some instruments are allowed in some occassions like weddings. I've never heard that the prophet (pbuh), or any of the sahaba or even tabe'een have listened to "spiritual music" but they all have atleast condemned it. I think that all the proofs have been made clear...
  6. M


    Oh am sorry, i havent been here long so i didnt know that. sorry :o
  7. M


    Ok, no problem. If you are not satisfied with that interpretation, lets forget even mentioning it. Allah ordered us in the qur'aan to follow Muhammad (pbuh). And the hadiths I provided CLEARLY prohibit music. So, following the orders of the prophet is following the commands of God. Also...
  8. M


    You reject the interpretation of Al Tabari? ok, so its aparently a matter of you not accepting the facts. There are also a bunch of hadiths that CLEARLY shows the prohibition. I have the links for a couple in Arabic, if anyone can get the translation, i would appreciate it...
  9. M

    I need to verify something......

    Am not sure about this story in specific. From what I know, when God punishes people by turning them into munkeys, they die soon after. So, I wouldnt see how they survived all that time. Also, theres a hadith about the beginning of creation that says: God created the sand on saturday, and...
  10. M


    ok, first of all, when theres a command from God or his messenger, we should follow that with no questioning. There might be a reason behind prohibitting the music, but am not sure. Just logically thinking, I found a couple. First, most of the music out there will call for corruption and sin...
  11. M

    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Re: Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visit In this case, it sounds like if he is referring to the valley of Zion. I think that this would make a great topic of discussion, "What is Judaisms, Christianity and Islams thought about Makkah".
  12. M

    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Re: Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visit thanks for the explanation, I know that this is going out of the original topic, but I think that i didnt make my point clear. If they believed that at Muhammad was a prophet and that at a certain time his...
  13. M

    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Re: Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visit So in what sense do they believe in him? Or do they simply believe in him and ignore him?
  14. M


    What did you base your claim on? Or is it just your personal opinion?
  15. M


    Its a very contreversal topic. The Qur'aan clearly prohibits music. The prophet Muhammad (pbuh), on the other hand, allowed playing particular instruments in particular occasions (i.e. weddings).
  16. M

    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Re: Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visit If you believe that there is no god but God, then you should worship him in the way he prescribed. Also, if you believe that Muhammad is the prophet of God, then you should follow his teachings and way of...
  17. M

    Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visited?

    Re: Abraham est. Mecca, the Qu'ran bids no-entry for non-Muslims yet Guru Nanak visit Sorry for my lack of knowledge about Sikhism, but please correct me if am wrong... didn't Sikhism emerge from Hinduism and Islam? and since Guru Nanak was the founder of Sikhism, maybe he was greatly...
  18. M

    Polytheistic roots of monotheism

    I didnt find humor in anything. Am telling you that it sounds funny in Arabic. That was my point from the beginning, which is the usage of plural form for a single in semitic languages. Sorry if I offended you, but that wasn't my intention...
  19. M

    Polytheistic roots of monotheism

    Let me see if I understood your logic correctly. So, if the pope says "we", does it mean that I have a "pope seed" if I said the same thing? If God says "we" and I say "we" i dont think that it makes me a god or it proves that I am one. Using the plural doesnt "Take" you to a "Higher status"...
  20. M

    Polytheistic roots of monotheism

    I have a question for Hebrew speakers, can you referre to God, the almighty, as Eloh, instead of Elohim? If not, then thats really interesting since it has to be in plural form. Where as in Arabic there is no plural for the word "Allah".