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  1. C

    John the Baptist

  2. C

    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    I'm sure there is a ton of information from all different types of sources. I've not looked into it that far. I've thought about attempting to learn Hebrew. Until then, I'm not too concerned with the pronunciation. Literal anthropomorphism is, in actuality, idolatrous from a Judaic...
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    I have been told by many Jews that the tetragrammaton was pronounced at one time, and may still be pronounced in some circles. What led you to believe that it has never been spoken or couldn't be?
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    The emboldened is a whole other ball of wax to talk about in Judaism. It's completely reshaped my considerations of G-d as I have learned it.
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    Actually, no, it doesn't (according to a translation from the Hebrew). :) Genesis 6 1. And it came to pass when man commenced to multiply upon the face of the earth, and daughters were born to them. 2. That the sons of the nobles saw the daughters of man when they were beautifying...
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    I believe that the traditional Judaic view of "Satan" is that HaSatan is the actual transliteration of the Hebrew. HaSatan means "the Adversary". It is a title instead of an actual person. Therefore, Judaism teaches that there is HaSatan (the Adversary), but he/she/it can take many forms and...
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    What did the Pharisees represent?

    It has taken me all my life to finally understand that Moses, being a Jew, and the Torah, being a Jewish document, are of primary importance to Jews. I, as a Gentile, am not called to be Torah observant. I attempt to follow the Seven Laws of Noach. With that being said, I find there to be...
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    What did the Pharisees represent?

    Personally, I wouldn't put Moses and Jesus on the same level. But that's just me. One thing that supports Moses' actual existence is that he penned five books. Jesus never wrote a thing (at least that we have record of). As a side note, considering that Jesus is supposed to be the greatest...
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    I couldn't agree more with the emboldened. The contextual considerations of "servant" spans all of Isaiah and even comes into play elsewhere (i.e. Jeremiah). In each instance, the Servant is Israel/Jacob.
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    Vine's obviously presents an ideal that is foreign to Judaism. The "Suffering Servant" is Israel.
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    While I believe in fiat creation, I also believe that a great deal of Genesis 1-3 is metaphorical. There are many different traditions and commentaries regarding the interaction between Adam, Eve, the snake, and G-d. The one that I follow takes a metaphorical approach. The snake represents...
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    What did the Pharisees represent?

    Honestly, I do not know. Sorry.
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    Just for reiteration: "seed" is equivalent to "offspring" as far as English translations of the Hebrew word. Therefore, Genesis 3:15 is a statement about all of mankind; not just one person in particular. Couple key points to keep in mind: In Judaism... 1) There is no original sin. 2) One...
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    Genesis 3:15 is not a messianic passage. Genesis 3 15. And I shall place hatred between you and between the woman, and between your seed and between her seed. He will crush your head, and you will bite his heel." Eve does not have a superhuman seed; nor is her seed any different from that of...
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    Negation, in general. I can share why said prophesy is either not Messianic or how Jesus did not fulfill it. I pretty much get that all the time where I spend my time elsewhere (christianforums). :D
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    The OT Prophecies Concerning Jesus

    Would there be any interest in hearing the Judaic/Noachide response to the supposed prophesies of Jesus in the Tanakh?
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    Why Don't Jews Sacrifice Animals Anymore?

    I've been told very similar things regarding the Commentary from many other people. One other point that is brought up is the translation of Song of Solomon, but I haven't gotten that far yet. Maybe one of these days I'll read Hebrew, and be able to do as you are. Until then, thanks for the...
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    What did the Pharisees represent?

    Granted. I think that is a secondary issue to the idea of a pacifistic Messiah. The thing that I am finding out somewhat fascination thus far is that the timeline of Titus' battles falls in line with ministerial considerations of Jesus.
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    What did the Pharisees represent?

    Here are the key points that I can think of that Joseph wants to present as theory: 1) The Flavians wrote the Gospels. This would include Domitian, Titus, and the adopted son: Josephus. 2) The purpose was two-fold: give the Jews a pacifistic Messiah to follow instead of the one dictated in...
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    What did the Pharisees represent?

    I'll attempt to do that when finished. :thumbsup: