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  1. T

    Best Translation Of The Hebrew Bible/Tanach

    That is very interesting. I read that passage at lunch in english and ya not the same thing at all is it? :mad: Well all the more motivation to get through this hebrew class huh :) Thanks guys and gals for all your input. It is appreciated and respected!
  2. T

    Best Translation Of The Hebrew Bible/Tanach

    BB, No I had not seen that. Doesnt strike me as "good" at all. So you mean that line is in the original hebrew but not in the artscroll english translation or the other way around? I will have to look when i get home. I cannot speak for the hebrew because I am just starting a hebrew class to...
  3. T

    Just wanted to introduce myself

    Thank you very much :)
  4. T

    Just wanted to introduce myself

    Hehe I have never heard of Artscroll compared to Micro$oft but I can see why you would, that is very funny :D As for Rabbi Tatz, that is awesome that you know him and while I dont give him rock star status and understand what you mean I do respect his teachings a great deal but that is just...
  5. T

    Just wanted to introduce myself

    No naughty language here :) Ahhh well no worries, too long to try and recreate really so I will just say thank you all very much.
  6. T

    Just wanted to introduce myself

    Hmmm weird, I replied to his yesterday but it still is not posted to the thread? Am I moderated because i am new?
  7. T

    Just wanted to introduce myself

    Thank you, thank you! Well it has been a while since I posted that and it has been ALOT of learning since :) I appreciate your decision to remain the Christian faith, it has been a struggle for me dealing with my family on faith issues as they are all Catholic and I was raised Catholic as...
  8. T

    Best Translation Of The Hebrew Bible/Tanach

    I will weigh in here if no one minds :) As this is kind of something i think about alot. I am a translation junkie :D As for Artscroll I think that the translation is not the problem as I do believe it is a good translation but the commentary is somewhat slanted towards standard rabbinic...
  9. T

    Just wanted to introduce myself

    My name is Todd and I live in Indiana, where I raise my 12 year old son and live a nice quiet life in a small historical town. I am new to Judaism and very much a Noachide at this point but am very excited about learning all that i can about Torah. Up to this point in my life I would say that...