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  1. L

    The relation of atheism to fatalism

    This thread has moved too far away from it's original intent for my post to be part of the discussion. Is there another, more current thread I could join?
  2. L

    The relation of atheism to fatalism

    I'm ready to be persuaded that my life is one of fatalism and despair if someone can actually provide proof. I have never been convinced by the arguments for the idea of determinism in individual human behavior, so fatalism is out. I have more than enough hope and joy in my life to counteract...
  3. L

    The Five Ways of Aquinas/Aristotle

    Thomas, I have to say the most of what you wrote is so obscure I have no idea what the meaning is. Two statements you wrote that are patently false are these: Evolution is not "headed" anywhere. Organism become more complex, or less, or change their complexity not at all as a result of...
  4. L

    Thanks, Brian

    Brian, Thanks for developing this site. I've been looking around at all the sections, and I've been learning quite a bit about Hinduism and Buddhism. Dare I say it? "Very enlightening." Thanks also to your moderators and section editors. Thanks also for keeping your forum as wide-open as...
  5. L


    Susma, I think your posts reflect tha frustration that most of us feel when. "You'd think that somebody who claims X, Y and Z would be more tolerant!" I come and go in most chat rooms myself. I'll read a few posts, see something I think needs clarifying, go one for a few days about things...
  6. L

    The Five Ways of Aquinas/Aristotle

    The Fourth Way – The Ontological Argument Thomas correctly points out “Aquinas' argument here is similar to Plato's Forms and Immanuel Kant's noumenal realm.” I would say it’s so similar to Plato as to be indistinguishable. I was looking at Absolute Zero – the point at which all energy has...
  7. L

    The Five Ways of Aquinas/Aristotle

    On the other thread that Thomas is referring to, he says: I’m not sure what he means by “still stand,” so I hope he will elucidate. I also hope Thomas will explain what he means by “God” as the conclusion of the Five Ways when, as he explains, these Ways do not point to the God of the...
  8. L

    Word of God

    Well, Snoopy, China Cat Sunflower and Joseph M are doing a much better job discussing the historical compiling of the physical book than I would have done, so unless juantoo3 is ready to support his/her ad hominem, I'm off to another thread!
  9. L

    Dawkins-Inspired Discussion from YouTube

    spid3rboy, There's a whole universe beyond me. That doesn't mean I need to postulate a god/gods to make my life meaningful. When we started this discussion it was because you had made a claim about the logical conclusion of Dawkins' train of thought that was incorrect. You still haven't...
  10. L

    Word of God

    Interesting analogy. How does it apply?
  11. L

    Word of God

    juantoo3, Read the thread. Now what?
  12. L

    Word of God

    Ha! Ha! Ha! Ha! Now that's funny!
  13. L

    Word of God

    What, jauntoo3, ad hominems already? We've only just got started!
  14. L

    Dawkins-Inspired Discussion from YouTube

    The way one asks the questions determines the answers one is likely to find. What do you mean by "out there"?
  15. L

    Word of God

    What does that mean, anyway? If 'G-d is all there is' then this whole endeavor is even more futile than spid3rboy claims existentialism is. If we are nothing more than blips in God's psyche, then why worry about anything? Why care at all? The next neuron will fire, and God will have another...
  16. L

    Dawkins-Inspired Discussion from YouTube

    Demonstrate some requirement that my happiness matters to you. There's nothing stopping me from enjoying the joy of others, but I'm certainly no worse off if I have other commitments and pass on by without noticing. If this statement is true: then why have a discussion?
  17. L

    Word of God

    Nearly everything that people say about god/gods is unbelievable. The idea that God created anything at all is unbelievable. Cage talks about minds being creative. That they are. Every creative mind resides in a body. Does God have a body? Every body has evolved from an earlier life form (I...
  18. L

    Dawkins-Inspired Discussion from YouTube

    But it matters to me if I live another 80 years or die tomorrow. There's no requirement that it matters to you. Neither is it a requirement that it matters to some sentient life form living on a planet in another solar system. Why does our existence have to matter to anyone other than ourselves?
  19. L

    Word of God

    Thomas, You are correct in that if I have never experienced something, then that does not mean that it does not happen. I should have said something more along the lines of: I have to apologize for responding to streetbob2006's post about the structure of the Bible with the bullet points...