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  1. S

    Fourth Thesis

    Well, I hate to say this, but and you will tell me that I am arrogant, suppose you do your own thinking and observing, and more thinking on your observation of religion in peoples, instead of always looking to read what other people think and want to share with you -- and usually you have to pay...
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    Fourth Thesis

    A lot of talk about Buddhism. There was a guy here who took on the Buddhist name of something like Vaj__. Don't see him anymore here though I have not been looking for him. Wait, I will look for him. Here, I have found him, but it now turned out that he is a female; I guess it must...
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    Fourth Thesis

    This thesis should have been more restricted in its scope: the author neglected to see it in respect of the delay in the infliction of pain on the offender, while his victim immediately suffers the offender's unjust act and continues on and on in time to suffer, as long as the offender is not...
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    Fourth Thesis

    There is a lot in the Christian faith more than I dare say 50% about how perpetrators of injustice even for just calling a brother fool will suffer the fire of hell forever and ever, where there will be the gnashing of teeth -- for toothless guys entering hell, teeth will be provided. So...
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    Hi, Brian, long time no see. Susma

    Hi, Brian, long time no see. Susma
  6. S

    Useless question, why is there something instead of nothing?

    I just want to find out whether everyone has the same insight as I have about... I just want to find out whether everyone has the same insight as I have about it being a useless question to inquire whether there was absolutely nothing and then there was something from that point of...
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    question on the one-ness of God and religions

    That is an acceptable explanation on why people who hold to one prophet maintain that their prophet is the genuine one sent by God, namely, because they fall in love with their prophet, so theirs must be the genuine one formally dispatched by God to teach mankind about God and how to relate to...
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    Useless question, why is there something instead of nothing?

    Tell me, is it your postion that something can come from nothing, absolutely nothing? Susma
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    Useless question, why is there something instead of nothing?

    It is a curiosity question that leads to our realization that it is a useless question, because the answer is that there are things and at least one thing has always been there to account for all other things. It is the itch for us to analyze what is something and what is nothing, and to come...
  10. S

    question on the one-ness of God and religions

    Because people are not accustomed to thinking, not accustomed to thinking correctly. If reason is the guide of our thoughts and acts, passion is the tyrant we prefer to follow most of the time if not always. Passion is of course very important, but we still have to hold passion in rein...
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    question on the one-ness of God and religions

    On my own part I simply am of the certainty that God the maker of everything exists, and being maker of everything He also made me, in the ultimate terms of course, aside from my being the offspring of my parents and the descendant of my ancestors. As regards prophets, there are many of them...
  12. S

    Useless question, why is there something instead of nothing?

    There is a lot of writing on the question, why is there something instead of nothing? I find this question quintessentially a useless one, except for one benefit, namely, that the people discussing it could come to the realization if they be intelligent that it is a useless question...
  13. S

    the greatness of Gautam, why?

    Re: the greatness of Gautama, of spitting and bowing before Buddha's images. "A newly enlightened Westerner was walking through the Zendo with an old Zen master who only spoke broken English. At each of the images of the Buddha the old master bowed deeply, even prostrating himself. Eventually...
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    the greatness of Gautam, why?

    Re: the greatness of Gautama... and Tarzan? In another forum they will certainly call me a troll or whatever is detestable in online message boards for guys who disrupt the uniform and soothing chanting of the devout though variant members of the spiritual congregation. The Internet Infidels...
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    the greatness of Gautam, why?

    Re: the greatness of Gautam... edifying -- hahaha. Susma, Thanks, Derek, for your edifying message. Well, I suppose there is a first for everything! "Edifying" is often not the first word that comes to mind when others speak of my posts........... I like that. It's not everyone...
  16. S

    the greatness of Gautam, why?

    Re: the greatness of Gautama... I am a man plagued with doubts. Thanks, Derek, for your edifying message. I confess myself notwithstanding my confident posture to be a man plagued with doubts. Now what? life security attained, not fabulous wealth, but enough to stay around until...
  17. S

    the greatness of Gautam, why?

    Re: the greatness of Gautama... learning to practice without words? ...not endless mulling over of texts. I think there are two ways we learn how to do an action or carry on a practice. The first is by self-exploration and self-cultivation of the action and the practice. For example...
  18. S

    the greatness of Gautam, why?

    Re: the greatness of Gautam... time for a comic relief. I don't know but I fear my sojourn here is about to end, unless Brian has the iron guts for freedom of speech as long as people don't resort to invectives, instead of civil words even the most disturbing of questions. Here, read this...
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    the greatness of Gautam, why?

    Re: the greatness of Gautama,,, I keep an open and receptive mind(?). A being's compassion is indicative of their happiness. If you are so confident about your views, then why quibble endlessly on our forum? Go to the Buddhas and show them and their followers how to do it. That would be...
  20. S

    End destiny of man and life in Buddhism.

    Re: End destiny of man... on facts and opinions. The way I see it more and more clearly is that in philosophy and in religion we are dealing with opinions as distinct from facts. Here is what I understand to be facts, for example, the certainty as of and insofar as our present physical...