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  1. Victor

    Like the Snow Leopard I am endangered species. Hey Juantoo. Been a long time and much has gone...

    Like the Snow Leopard I am endangered species. Hey Juantoo. Been a long time and much has gone on. Just stopping by today to say hello. More to come later, God willing.
  2. Victor

    Like the Snow Leopard I am endangered species. Hey Juantoo. . Just stopping by today to say...

    Like the Snow Leopard I am endangered species. Hey Juantoo. . Just stopping by today to say hello. More to come later, God willing.
  3. Victor

    Paul's Thorn in The Flesh

    2ndpillar and wil, thank you. Some very astute thinking and alternative views to consider. This is why historical investigation of religious material is so revealing. I, for one, see no reason why religion and history must be separated as they are in some denominations. Surely both serve to...
  4. Victor

    Paul's Thorn in The Flesh

    How many times have we heard of Paul’s ‘thorn in the flesh’? And how many times have we been told that we do not know, that there is no evidence to give us a clue to his disability? This student has endeavored to find an explanation of a physical ailment that Paul and Luke both speak about...
  5. Victor

    To Brian: From the colonies

    From the colonies: Years have passed like minutes since we first started out on the old site. Soph, Bone, Brian... I have forgotten all the names of the crew, and didn't we have a time of it. We even asked G-d to comment and gave Him 30 days to respond. I remember getting an e-mail from one of...
  6. Victor

    Satan's origin

    Thomas: As a friend, I would only suggest, in all fairness as a student, that you reread Genesis again. The words clearly state, that G-d created mankind on the earth, to rule it and to be fruitful and multiply. He created mankind both male and female; not in the Garden but on the Earth. The 6th...
  7. Victor

    Satan's origin

    Gordian Knot: I do not blame her. The result of the serpent's sin is 'adam and the woman being returned to the natural state of society. An earthly existence which ends in death. G-d did not blame her or 'adam. He was forced to remove them so Eden would not be tarnished. Who is to say if anyone...
  8. Victor

    Satan's origin

    I would like to add a note here, something to think about. 'adam, mankind, was created in Chapter one of Genesis as an entire society on the earth. He was not created immortal. Adam, a man, was taken out of that society and placed in Eden, (Chapter Two)a perfect, timeless garden. Eden was not...
  9. Victor

    Fourth Thesis

    radarmark: The best way, which I do not believe will violate the rules of Brian's site, is to send me your e-mail address and I will send it to you in Word 2010, all 190 pages. Publication is still in the works for the end of the year, so this is the quickest way. I would appreciate your...
  10. Victor

    Fourth Thesis

    Don't mean to interrupt, but, HI! Eleven months of constant work til all the A.M.'s in the morning and the fourth thesis, 188 pages, is FINI! The Sacrament of Life, which covers: Sin, contrition, repentance, forgiveness, penance, the Genesis of Man, Original Sin, and Karma (for every action...
  11. Victor

    Satan's origin

    Hi all you Saints; It's been awhile but after 11 months of work my 4th thesis is finished; 188 pages. Now to get it published... and this thread just fit right in, so if I may? Satan, the Devil, Lucifer, Iblis, the serpent, what a portfolio this divine figure has. And where did he get it...
  12. Victor

    Fourth Thesis

    To all the Saints: Looks like everyone is having fun, and that is good. Just wanted to let you know that I finished the thesis on July 11th after eight months of work. 177 pages, 75,000 words and a lot of sleepless nights. It covers sin, contrition, repentance and forgiveness. But in the end I...
  13. Victor

    Challenge to Pauline Comspiracy by Excaliburton

    Would you believe that after 13 years I just stumbled across this tidbit? Excaliburton started the thread with; A. Victor Garaffa had written the Pauline Conspiracy that is posted among the articles on this web site. And he had challenged anybody to refute his thesis that Paul was a false...
  14. Victor

    Stumbling off the path.....

    It is all so simple when one looks at their feet. I finished a fourth thesis, it is with two or three I trusted, and now it has to find its way into the world. My path has come to a standstill, my feet are not moving. I do not believe as Aupmanyav appears to state that all we have is a...
  15. Victor

    Fourth Thesis

    Juantoo3: I always appreciate your logic because it comes from a source other than human. Those endowed with gifts of the Spirit are always special in His eyes. The basic principle of the thesis is that of required repentance before forgiveness can be offered. It is not so much the duty of mere...
  16. Victor

    Fourth Thesis

    Thomas: "You sound like you require retribution." No, but Christ requires repentance! There is no unconditional forgiveness anywhere in G-d's Word. I require nothing but justice for those who are condemned falsley by others within the Church. Let the accuser prove his accusations and the guilty...
  17. Victor

    Stumbling off the path.....

    Well done! But the little game you refer to has far more meaning than one anticipates, as it reflects the spiritual nature of life. May I? As I stare at the one remaining wooden peg (tee) something occurred to my flimsy mind. When Anthony Hopkins was making the movie, "Remains of The Day", he...
  18. Victor

    Stumbling off the path.....

    My mistake again........
  19. Victor

    Stumbling off the path.....

    jaunatoo3: Hello once again... been some time. Predestination takes a willingness to at least discuss the theory. My free will allows me to decide which door I will exit, if I will turn left or right, coffee or tea; etc. but it does not go beyond that simplicity. I accept predestination on the...
  20. Victor

    Stumbling off the path.....

    Sorry, my bad! Can someone erase this?