Stumbling off the path.....

"As my original post in this thread posed, can one stumble off the path?"Golly, Gee, a single tear runs down my cheek! I have just had the time to return to 'Brian's Place' and came upon this thread, which is as thin as... The answer to the question I just quoted, is NO! We are destined from birth to suffer the consequences of our actions. We are set on a path from the very beginning and there is no way to escape our karma; fate if you will! The manner of the creation, regardless of how you view it, postulates an axiom: "For every action there is an equal and opposite reaction." Accept it or not, there is no path to contemplate because we create that road with every physical, intellectual, and spiritual decision we make. So I would suggest the following: we are destined to face the 'consequences of our actions' until we reach a point where we have satisfied our obligations. At that point we will be relieved of our burdens and rise to a higher plane of existence. Therefore, Brian, we do not eventually face death, but rather a new life that lies beyond the scope of human expression or experience. God, I love this stuff!!!
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Yes, we do reap what we sow, and our actions do set up future consequences. We can choose what path to follow at any given moment and set a new course, but we will still be obliged to account for what has already passed. I make no excuses for my past lives as a Navy squid (with a Bad Conduct Discharge), as a paperhanger, as a carpenter, as a truck driver, as being classed by both the Federal Government and the State of Florida as being disabled, of completing a 4 year bachelor's degree in Business Administration in 3 years (graduating Summa *** Laude and a member of the Honor Society) or for working as a clerk for the VA hospital system. All of these choices have influenced me over the years, and I still reap what I have sown in all of them, and I continue to make choices every day I draw breath.

But if I read what you say as some kind of predestination, I must protest. Without will, whether free or not, there is no sin...and without sin, there is no need whatsoever for any form of moral teaching.
jaunatoo3: Hello once again... been some time. Predestination takes a willingness to at least discuss the theory. My free will allows me to decide which door I will exit, if I will turn left or right, coffee or tea; etc. but it does not go beyond that simplicity. I accept predestination on the principle that all things have existed from the beginning of time and everything I know, see, do, is part of the past. The Creator G-d created ALL things in the beginning, brought them into existence, so all things have been accomplished from the beginning of time. That is the nature of the universe, even if I consider it in a scientific venue. Consider; someone in California makes a noise loud enough for me to hear it in Atlanta, Georgia. By the time I hear it the sound is seconds old. That which created the sound, and the sound itself, is part of a past that no longer exists. The same is true of light but in a much faster speed. Still, when I see it, it is something out of the past. Speed is relative even if it is almost, but not quite instantaneous. It is the same as when we look at a star that is light years away. What I see has come from thousands of years in time. That sun may no longer exist. The same is true of every sensation we are capable of experiencing. In a sense then, everything in life that effects us has already existed, they have already been completed. That is another form of predestination. But aside from that, the path we tread we create and I acknowledge your good response. Now, solve a problem for me... I am sure you have seen the little wooden triangle with 14 golf tees; the aim is to solve the puzzle leaving only one tee remaining? Getting the game down to one tee is the easy part. The difficult part is getting it down to, none!
Now, solve a problem for me... I am sure you have seen the little wooden triangle with 14 golf tees; the aim is to solve the puzzle leaving only one tee remaining? Getting the game down to one tee is the easy part. The difficult part is getting it down to, none!
Greetings Victor! Yes, it has been far too long!

If it is the game I think it is, and I am reasonably certain it is...then the only way to get down to no pegs to cheat. ;) :D

I am inclined to think our choices create reality...within certain very broad limitations. Otherwise we serve a very cruel G-d. I don't think He really cares about minutiae, but He does have a hand (or at least a finger) in major events.
Well done! But the little game you refer to has far more meaning than one anticipates, as it reflects the spiritual nature of life. May I? As I stare at the one remaining wooden peg (tee) something occurred to my flimsy mind. When Anthony Hopkins was making the movie, "Remains of The Day", he went to the Queen's Major Domo and told him that he had to play the part of the head butler in a very rich home. At the dinners, often filled with royalty and government officials, he wanted to know how he was to play his part. The Major Domo replied, "When I serve at table, there is one less person in the room." In Christianity, Jesus, as do all the major figures in our religions, taught that to serve was the greatest mission of all. Silent, obedient, and suppliant, it would eventually raise us to a spiritual status we did not ask for nor, in my mind, do we deserve. juantoo3, pick up the last peg and hold in your hand because it represents you, it is each of us, it is our spritual self in our seeking to attain to a higher existence. Yes, it is physically impossible to get to, none, until we realize the higher 'self' it represents. Stay well.
.. rise to a higher plane of existence. Therefore, Brian, we do not eventually face death, but rather a new life that lies beyond the scope of human expression or experience. God, I love this stuff!!![/B]
Nice post, two problems - a higher plane of existence, and God. Every one will face death and degeneration of body (which is all one has). There is no escape from that, whatever way one tries to overlook that.
I used to say I am looking for my path. I usually now say, I am on my path. it is for me though just a figure of speech I use, because people tend to use it all the time and I have also gotten used to use it. Actually I have realized that no matter were I go, no matter if I stumble or walk streight, I walk on my path, because I make my own path as I go. Sometimes it is easy, walking down a well-travelled road - sometimes it is hard, like walking trough a swamp. It is still my path though. Were it will lead - who knows? Sometimes, I might find I walk in circles, or that I am stuck. It is mostly a point of perspective though.

Right now, I am feeling like I am walking on one part of my path, but at the same time dreaming about walking on another part, completely different.

Paths do not even have to be about religion. It can be the path of life, the path of living right now right here as a human in this body. If you are lucky, your spiritual path is on the same path as your everyday path. Mine are not right now, and that is why I dream of change.

sorry, got carried away, I have actually forgotten the original question... Something about stumbling and paths I guess :D I really should be working. But I find it boring, and would ponder these kind of things right now... Sooo.. In other words, being on the path of the mundane, but only in body, my spirit somewhere else... Just as long as the physical path of my boss do not cross my desk, I'm okay :D
It is all so simple when one looks at their feet. I finished a fourth thesis, it is with two or three I trusted, and now it has to find its way into the world. My path has come to a standstill, my feet are not moving. I do not believe as Aupmanyav appears to state that all we have is a perishable body. If I believed that I would never have made the effort to worship an invisible, visible, Entity I call, G-d. I would never have written a word. My eternal soul justifys the work I have done, but of what value is it to me when I face my accuser on the Last Day? In truth, for the believer, that is where all paths will end, on the last day before our Creator!
It is all so simple when one looks at their feet. I finished a fourth thesis, it is with two or three I trusted, and now it has to find its way into the world. My path has come to a standstill, my feet are not moving. I do not believe as Aupmanyav appears to state that all we have is a perishable body. If I believed that I would never have made the effort to worship an invisible, visible, Entity I call, G-d. I would never have written a word. My eternal soul justifys the work I have done, but of what value is it to me when I face my accuser on the Last Day? In truth, for the believer, that is where all paths will end, on the last day before our Creator!

The last day is this moment.

When the ego ceases and you merge with the Whole.

Anything that upholds separateness is ensuring your prolonged hell and you do not know it.

Only in union is there eternal life, the wave cannot exist for long, only the ocean is forever.
The real challenge for combined humanity in this new age will be those early adopters who choose to take on the newly revealed pathway, as they will be doing it all the while they are within the constraints of the old architecture and system. The current social structure and system insure that one will always stumble off the path, but not just this, it insures that those attempting to walk the ascended path will constantly fight against breakages of continuity between being synchronized with the creator, and breaking sync with the creator. That is, until so many begin to walk the path that the majority realizes in unison that the only way this is going to actually work for once, and for all, is if we change our social structure and over all system. When we've gotten to this stage, there will be no more falling off or straying from the path, it will by then be a straight shot in to Kingdom Come; the Kingdom of Heaven, coming to Earth.

But are you stumbling for sheer fear of not wishing to reach full destiny and eternal life? I mean heck, if one reaches for and attains eternity well then what fun would that really be right? I have news for you, albeit the current logic and language here will not allow for me to describe it, lets just say that there are indeed many, many, many more levels that follow after eternity.

Love, Light and Power,

a mantra....

I don't recall looking through the course selection and wanting this class. I don't recall standing in line to sign up fo it....but I do want to learn what I am supposed to and pass the I don't wish to have to take it again.
Who was the spiritual author that appeared on the Opra show back in the day when it was on regular TV? Gary someone. He talked about the “earth school” also.