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  1. Islamfac

    Hello all..

    Thanks for the welcomes :D Ill be dropping in from time to time :D Hope to see yall in forum :)
  2. Islamfac

    Muslims Are Fundamentalists And Terrorists

    I completely agree.
  3. Islamfac

    Can Muslims be friends with Jews and Christians?

    There is one primary commandment that deals with Gods relationship to man in all three abrahamic faiths. Worship God and only him and have no partners besides him... basically. Beyond that, all other commandments deal with mans relation to man. of course we all can be friends. :)
  4. Islamfac

    Solution for Humanity!!!

    argh.. i hate these debates. They are so common when talking with people from some of these countries. I agree with you here. :)
  5. Islamfac

    The Council Of Ex Muslims.....

    hit a nerve? Why should anyone care is what I am wondering. Its your life.. not theirs. also, nothing wrong with political islam so long as it is the right politics ;)
  6. Islamfac

    Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher

    lol.. they didn't get manna while they were at the mountain, did they? Thomas, today, all of the Prophets who saw spirits or God would be put in a loony bin and fed prozack. if your not on drugs they will put you on drugs.. lol isnt this the thinking of the middle ages about the people who...
  7. Islamfac

    Hello all..

    Hello! Just dropped in after stumbling on this site during my daily internet searches. I am the admin at another forum that is similar but focuses on islamic extremism, todays issues and promoting tolerance and cooperation between people. We are probably unique in that there is few if any...
  8. Islamfac

    Moses was high on drugs: Israeli researcher

    lol.. someone posted this on our forum too. We all had a laugh. If moses was high, more power to him. There was no drug laws back then.. but even more than that... to all 3000 israelites were also high and saw the same thing??? I dont know if you all know anything about drugs, but usually...
  9. Islamfac


    I heard many theories. dont know what is true.