It never ceases to amaze me that when people read the same thing and get such major differences in understanding.
1. I don't see Jesus in the slightest bit whiny.
2. I don't see Christians as a bunch of evil beings who go around preaching that everyone is going to hell. I don't say that. I...
Even thought they don't even call themselves Christians, I believe they are. Anyone who follows Jesus' commands would be a Christian. At least in my opinion.
That one of my pet peeves: the belief that the communion is cannibalism. Jesus was symbolic for a LAMB, but no one could eat human flesh, so they ate bread in its place as the flesh of the lamb that was used in sacrifices. When they had animal sacrifices, it was plainly said that they ate the...
Christian aren't supposed to judge by race at all, but unfortunately too many of them do. The New Testament even has quotes against racism, but they can so very easily be taken out of context.
Here is one of them from 1John:
I have never heard of anyone being unbaptized, but then again the Baptist Church doesn't believe that anyone who is saved can ever lose their salvation, too. (I am a Baptist, btw).
This one is easy. I had been searching for something (sorry for the vagueness) all of my teen years. When I was 17, I came across a New Testament and decided to read it. I grew up with a mother who was agnostic/atheist in my childhood. I picked up the New Testament, read the entire thing in...
I follow the commands of Jesus: Including loving God, loving your neighbors, loving each other, loving your enemies and praying for those who do evil to you. He also said the clothe the naked and feed the hungry. There are other commands, but those are the most important ones- particularly the...
Here in Southern California, religion is quite diverse-- and that includes Wiccans and Pagans. And a lot of those people who say they believe in God don't attend church except on Easter and Christmas and they aren't even all Christians. We have a lot of people who don't even speak English. I...
The Prophets did God's work, did what God told them to do (and we know from Jonah what would have happened if they didn't ;) ) They even gave their lives for God (I think almost every prophet was killed in some way).
Yes, I always thought so. Since in my view of faith, Jesus is God, so worshiping God would be the same as having Jesus. Which would mean that those before Jesus would be saved, too.
The question seems to be "Is truth absolute or subjective?" And I think it can be both. When it comes to personal things- such as how we perceive the world, it would be subjective. But there are some truths out there that are absolute-- Murder in cold blood is always wrong would be absolute(in...
Interesting. My mother told me about a year ago that she doesn't believe that Revelation was inspired because of the same reasons you mentioned. She says she also doesn't believe in Jude, either.
You do raise some valid points, but I am not sure I want to completely dismiss Revelation yet.
Here is an idea that author Ted Dekker brought up in the book Blink. The protagonist in the story could see not only the future but all the different choices he made. There were literally thousands of choices he could make for a different or maybe the same outcome.
I am not saying I really...
But what would be the purpose of crimes such as rape and murder? If everything is destined by God then God would be choosing for a woman to suffer a rape who may even become pregnant and a family to mourn the loss of a loved one. I know that God works in mysterious ways, but I can't seem Him...
Jesus never said that looking at a good looking woman was wrong, just wanting to possess her is wrong (that is wanting to have sex with her especially if she is married).
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