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  1. R

    Rabbi Steve

    Friends, Thanks for the exposition on Hebrew grammar :). But my interpretation of "Yisrael" was metaphorically based. For me when "Yis-ra-el," "one wrestles with God, " one becomes "saved." It is in the questioning and even rejection, rather than tacet acceptance of human based religious...
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    Rabbi Steve

    "kol yisrael arevim zeh-la-zeh" Bananabrain, First of all thank you for your thoughtful response. I do respect you and your points of view which you certainly articulate in a scholarly manner. But I am wise enough to know that debating you point by point will accomplish nothing. We each see...
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    Rabbi Steve

    Shalom Dauer. I do not surf this forum for threads to add my input but I would certainly be happy to post to any thread that would in some way be enhanced by a response from me. And yes, you are partially correct that my intro here is an attempt to network. But it is also an attempt to assuage...
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    Rabbi Steve

    Shalom everyone. I have read the thread so far, and I totally respect the opinion that Interfaith marriages are problematic. But that is only- I repeat only- for Halachic Jews. And that fact cannot and will not change. However for liberal mainstream Jews, Interfaith relationships, marriage...
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    Rabbi Steve

    Yes, this is a common family reaction. And it doesn't matter what your faith is :rolleyes:
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    Rabbi Steve

    Hi everyone. Well, what I mean by Interfaith Rabbi is the fact that although I am a rabbi, I support- rather than discourage- interfaith marriage. In all the mainstream movements- Orthodox, Conservative and even Reform- most rabbis (in the case of Reform, many) will not co-officiate at a wedding...
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    Rabbi Steve

    Hello everyone. My name is Rabbi Steve and I am an Interfaith Rabbi. I just want to say hi and let you know I am available to answer any questions on ritual, etc. :) Shalom, Rabbi Steve