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  1. D

    Is the bible without error?

    LOL I read this post to my wife and she knew who posted it. Male dominated religion is definately male created. many "pagan" religions pay homage to both female and male spernatural beings. Personally I think that doing so helps keep life in balance and things in perspective. Perhaps if we...
  2. D

    What is Satan and how does he influence my life?

    Let us for a second assume that satan is a real being and that the biblical story of creation is correct- Is it at all possible that religion is of his making? The bible states in Genesis 1:26 - 29 his reason for creating man. The reason was not to worship him but to care for the planet. What...
  3. D

    Is the bible without error?

    Many societies all over the world have a "Great Flood" story which leads one to believe that there was some kind of major catastrophy but I agree tehre is no real way to tell if it was as horrific as the bible claims. The church and school I grew up in taught that god did indeed create the...
  4. D

    What is Satan and how does he influence my life?

    I do not believe “satan” has any control over our lives nor do I believe “god” has any control. We as humans have always used a supernatural being to explain unexplainable things. At one point in history earthquakes were attributed to god’s anger yet now we know earth quakes are a result of...
  5. D

    Is the bible without error?

    Many people would say absolutely! My response to that is: How is that possible? Historically religion was used as a control mechanism for the government, so how can we be sure that the government leaders at the time a particular translation did not require the translation to insinuate a...
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    Greetings All

    Thank you and no need to sniffle- it was probably the best thing ot ever happen to me.
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    Greetings All

    I have been accused of being satan, which was kind of comical considering the source of the accusation.
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    Greetings All

    Hmmm...long story short version- My Mother was an over bearing religious zealot who was convinced Televisions and video games would lead us all to hell. so they werent allowed in the house. I got a job at a lumber mill and after a few months I asked my father if i could buy a tv, super...
  9. D

    Greetings All

    I have been to all 50 states, my favorites are Montana and Texes. In Pa I like western Pa better, I lived in warren county for almost 15 years. The fall colors are beautiful out there.
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    Greetings All

    Levittown- until I finish COllege and then hopefully someplace away from major cities like Montana
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    Greetings All

    DoubtingThomas is simply forum, and Im not from here - I just ended up here.:eek:
  12. D

    Do you have a demon?

    I scored a 19 – Guess I’m safe; but then I’m as concerned with demonic possession as I am about my jeep getting scratched by a wayward Unicorn.:D
  13. D

    Greetings All

    My wife turned me on to this site and I’m glad she did- it’s a very cool site. I was raised in a Baptist Church- literally. I went to church every Sunday and Wednesday. I was there for school during the week and on Saturdays I was there for whatever youth group I was involved with. This lasted...