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  1. M

    quick reply

    nooo smiles in quick-reply! :(
  2. M

    Open and online!

    im back!
  3. M

    Great apes face imminent extinction

    this makes me really sad. If we cant look after ur cousins then how can we look after our own speceis?
  4. M

    S A R S - over-reacting?

    aaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaaachoooooooooooooooooo! ;D
  5. M

    Grow your own!

    i grow my own and roll my own! :twitch2: :wink_2: :sun_smiley:
  6. M

    Prehistoric tool-makers

    yeah to apes! their not stupid. Why we want to think everything is? :'(
  7. M


    I have tow stars now! ;D :bounce: ;D :bounce:
  8. M

    What is a Foundationist?

    I dont undersyand??? who is asmisov?
  9. M

    This board is not yet open!

    I think its open! :o ;D
  10. M

    Find your fairy!

    I foget smilies! :argue: :color_:
  11. M


    Yeh great thnks! :angel2: :biggrinjester:
  12. M

    Find your fairy!

    i did it and got Your fairy is called Columbine Goblinfly She is a bringer of riches and wealth She lives in mushroom fields and quiet meadows She is only seen at midday under a quiet, cloudless sky i know people who think fairies are reel but they smoke to much pot!
  13. M

    Nature of the universe

    cool pic!! :-* :bluegrab:
  14. M

    Prehistoric tool-makers

    Wh think any thing that doesnt speak english must be dog doesn't so he must be stupid. Science misses the point but I dont :pissed: :11ztongue: :egypt1:
  15. M


    thanks i am looking at the links now. ;D :scream: :scatter: :silly: :angel2: :Hydrogen:
  16. M

    Spiritual fascism

    I now people like this and theyre anything in life.It seems like anybody can be like that.its not just religion. We should all just be cool to all 8)
  17. M

    is Evil real?

    I don't believe in evil. people just do stuff. We decide whether they are evil.People blame satan for evil but ive never seen Satan and think people use him as an excuse.We need to take responsabillity for our selves and not blame others.we make the choice. ???
  18. M


    Yay! my first topic! ;D :bounce:
  19. M


    i'd like to learn more about crystals. Can anybody explain me how they work here?