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a little bump into history...

the day the lounge opened

we see who was the first to knock,

we are so glad the doors opened as so many come and visit...

but who was the first to sit down and with tea and a book...

who was the first to sit in the comfy chair in the corner...

who was the first to play chess over by the window...

what was the first conversation on the couch...

what is that stain outside the door,

and what is that smell in the hall...

and where is the men's room?

and I hope the answer to the last question doesn't answer the previous two....
I don't think I ever saw this one. 2003, that's going back a little before my time here, I think I started Jan 2004. I was somewhere in the middle 600's for membership. Boy has this place come a long way since then.

Brian was here, obviously, going by three different user names at the time I joined. BB, Phyllis, Ben, Bruce and Vajradhara were all here before me. There were some colorful characters back then as now, many are dearly missed, all are treasured.

I can equally say our present membership is treasured. We have come a long way, and I like to think most of us have grown in the process. I know I have.

Thanks Brian. Thanks for this opportunity. It has been a blessing in so many ways.