Search results

  1. Boethiah

    Baha'i homes demolished in Mazandaran..

    Baha'is are an easy target and scape goat in Iran. It is easy in Iran to mix in Baha'is with some sort of Zionist plot and accuse them of being political enemies of the state and spies. Despite the teachings of avoiding political involvement and peace, this lie is passed around. The state...
  2. Boethiah

    Baha'i homes demolished in Mazandaran..

    I did a report in school with a presentation about the Baha'i Faith and other religious minorities being persecuted in Iran. It is disturbing that so many people are unaware of what is happening in Iran and other places to other minorities. This is an awful crime by the Iranian government.
  3. Boethiah

    Is it wrong to play the lottery?

    This. On the surface gambling doesn't seem like such an issue, but it can lead to addictions. It seems like chasing something, like a distant goal or possibility. So people rely on luck in hopes of winning. When they lose, "maybe next time". To me, this seems wasteful. Gambling isn't for me...
  4. Boethiah

    Help with Baha'i

    Thank you! As a point of clarification, I know that Baha'u'llah said that this institution should be in existence. How it worked and the scope it has over the Faith itself is what concerned me. The criticism I did read of it was from Non-Baha'is, but I wanted to check with a good amount of...
  5. Boethiah

    Help with Baha'i

    Hello! I am very much interested in the Baha'i Faith. I have been researching for a few weeks now and it is one of the best and clearest choices I can see right now. I come to this situation after about three years of blunders. I was never a strong Christian when I was growing up. About 3...