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  1. A

    Does religion complete you?

    For me, embracing a religion is being able to sum up in a title what I believe in. Of course it gets much more detailed then that, but previous in life, when asked what I believed in, I had to really think. I believed in a God, but didn't believe it was a He, and that He was misrepresented.. and...
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    Can God be insulted?

    thank you Brian :)
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    Can God be insulted?

    This is true, McEdgy.. as my own contradiction would also suggest; if She is a product of our emotion, then it would just be us assigning human characteristics in order to better relate to the force that we believe is responsible for life's little unexplainable things. That is something that...
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    Can God be insulted?

    Interesting query. IMO; God/dess (as in my opinion, it would be Goddess) is capable of emotion but likewise would be one to understand that by having "children" (followers, enlightened few, pick your title..) of free will and capable also of emotion, there's a good chance that s/he will have...