Can God be insulted?


Peace, Love and Unity
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A point was raised on another thread about whether God might be insulted by a particular perception.

Do as a point of discussion in itself - can God be insulted?

Does anyone here believe they can say and do anything that would cause God to be insulted?

Or is that impossible?

OR quite possible and frequently practiced, yet we've merely grown accustomed to it?

One for discussion. :)
Originally posted by I, Brian
can God be insulted?
Yes, G!d/dess can be insulted (and, IMHO, frequently is.)

Originally posted by I, Brian
Does anyone here believe they can say and do anything that would cause God to be insulted?
"Telling" G!d/dess what S/He thinks (the punchline to a joke I saw a long while ago online, and I don't remember exactly where) is, to my mind, the best way to insult Him/Her. In fact, I can't think of any other way to truly insult Deity than trying to tell others that S/He thinks that the speaker's way is the only way. I don't know how many times I've had to refrain from using that punchline with members of the University Bible Study program as well as some missionaries from various religions.

Phyllis Sidhe_Uaine
Lot of people ues the profane word that also breaks one of the ten commandment. I don't use it but you see the profanity overused on television.
It seems to me that "insulted" is a human concept. I hope that God is above human emotional responses. This leads me to consider another point. Does God have emotions? My first impulse is that emotions are products of physical existance and spiritual beings would not have them. Thinking longer, I'm not so sure. I must consider this point longer.
"My imprisonment doeth Me no harm, neither the tribulations I suffer, nor the things that have befallen Me at the hands of My oppressors. That which harmeth Me is the conduct of those who, though they bear My name, yet commit that which maketh My heart and My pen to lament." Epistle to the Son of the Wolf, by Bahá'u'lláh, p. 23
"This is the changeless Faith of God, eternal in the past, eternal in the future. Let him that seeketh, attain it; and as to him that hath refused to seek it--verily, God is Self-Sufficient, above any need of His creatures." The Proclamation of Baha'u'llah, p. 119
According to these quotes from the Baha'i writings the answer would be yes and no. Yes, by those who claim allegiance to His Cause and who's conduct contradicts that allegience. And no, by those who refuse to seek His guidance.

Loving Greetings, Harmony
Shih Yo Chi said:
It seems to me that "insulted" is a human concept. I hope that God is above human emotional responses. This leads me to consider another point. Does God have emotions? My first impulse is that emotions are products of physical existance and spiritual beings would not have them. Thinking longer, I'm not so sure. I must consider this point longer.

Well, if god didn't have emotions, then what would he "function" on? In the bible, doesn't god seem to get angry alot, or is he just operating on pure logic? For example, in the case of Noah's Ark, did god wipe out humanity because logically, he saw that we were all going to hurt each other and the best thing was to start anew? Or, was he so angry that his creation had gone astray? I guess I didn't really answer the question. I don't know if there is an answer.
Personally, I would find it hard to imagine God as having emotion unless God was a biological construct. The fact of attributing emotions to God IMO looks more like an act of anthropomorphism - or, simply put, people trying to interpret God in a way more familiar and comprehensible to the human experience.
The Bible (re: Christianity) says that God experiences all of the emotions of humans, including anger, sadness, jealousy and happiness. Humans experience all emotions as a result of surprise or as a result of new knowledge. An omniscient (all knowing) God is ignorant of nothing. There can be nothing hidden from Him and there can be nothing new divulged to Him. He has all knowledge so he can never be surprised. Consequently, an omniscient and omnipotent God who experiences emotion is impossible. IMHO McEdgy
Interesting query.

IMO; God/dess (as in my opinion, it would be Goddess) is capable of emotion but likewise would be one to understand that by having "children" (followers, enlightened few, pick your title..) of free will and capable also of emotion, there's a good chance that s/he will have things misinterpreted. In my view of religion (and strictly my view), the Goddess sent a few enlightened individuals out to keep Her power and respect of Nature and it's miracle alive. She did not ask us to speak for Her, and so if anyone should do so, She would most likely be a bit irritated (at least, I would be in that given situation). Whether or not She would be insulted or offended is something I will never know, however I doubt She would retaliate, because the public is generally pretty quick to do that for Her...

On the same token, I'll contradict myself by saying I believe the Goddess is more a product of our emotion than a seperate entity, that perhaps She isn't some omniscient creature sitting high above us, dictating, surveying and taking notes on our every move, but rather a being that keeps things running smoothly and really has no emotion of Her own, just that which She picks up from us. A cosmic force, so to speak.

Make sense?
I, Brian

I was certainly not disagreeing with your take. I was merely attempting to expound upon why I agree. Omniscience and anthropomorphism are diametrically opposed ideas. Omniscience equals lack of surprise and lack of surprise equals inability to experience emotion. McEdgy

IMHO if a god being exists that being is of neither gender. That's just another way of assigning human characteristics. However, difference of opinion is what keeps these discussions so lively. McEdgy
Interesting observations - and welcome to CR, angelface. :)

And no problem, mcedgy - I was just putting my oar in. :)
This is true, McEdgy.. as my own contradiction would also suggest; if She is a product of our emotion, then it would just be us assigning human characteristics in order to better relate to the force that we believe is responsible for life's little unexplainable things. That is something that we'll never know, and always disagree on (the gender and existance of a (or many) God/dess(s/es), I mean) -- and as you said, makes these discussions so lively :)
A point was raised on another thread about whether God might be insulted by a particular perception.

Do as a point of discussion in itself - can God be insulted?

Does anyone here believe they can say and do anything that would cause God to be insulted?

Or is that impossible?

OR quite possible and frequently practiced, yet we've merely grown accustomed to it?

One for discussion. :)
I don't think so. Many imagine how God would be. I experience God above us. I mean, you know, above us.
Like we try to imagine how God could be provoked.
The real problem is, God understands us. We do not understand ourselves.
Through God we actually we learn who we are.
Let's say you are chosen to be a teacher.
Then God choose you.
Use that abibility.
But you, a human can not make someone a teacher. So real teachers are not registrated.
Neither get stars.
We only hope one day to meet one.
It is a honor.
I think we are selfish to manage alone. Brag about it. Even I did. I felt the need get that crap out of me. I taught people how that feels. Not to judge others but learn from the message in it since we are smart and must recognize that only.
We took goodness for granted and pay later the prize. It went Jesus Christ mad they called Him good.
Like his word explanation phrase ' God never knew you'

Who really understands this beautiful message?

The depth of it.
Jesus words proves he really is not a mad man but full of senses.
If we insult god we insult god. Yes it can. We can insult god. Immuun is a weird word whennit comes to this. Does immunity exist?
No, otherwise sickness would and could not exist. We have a body and mind and so does god.

God is not only spirit. It is like when you talk to somebody on the phone when you hear the voice byt does not see the body.

The bible must be written in a certain way. There is in other words what we call the key to the bible what we need and the key is the writer who is always a teacher. Without the teacher and the writer nobody knows the key because only the teacher and writer can initiate into the bible znd its true meaning. The bible is very good written but you need the key.
I try to imagine a stupid god.
This has to do with proportions.
I need that. Wicking and weighing.
That's how I get to know God.

So not by standing above him.

I think there are levels.

Higher and lower.
But all worth the same.

I admit. I asked God to explain the engine of an airplane.
It was only too impressive, so bad that I laughed, what I do when I am impressed.

I am now wise, and now ask God what I can handle. I am a very bad student. Learning is not my best quality, because I am distracted so quickly when I am so impressed.

If I may often gain insights and experiences from God.

They are small moments of happiness.