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  1. S

    Christian God = Saddam Hussein

    Bananabrain, If my opinions are based on "purest prejudice" then I guess Israeli archeologists themselves, historians researching the Ugarit Canaanite texts, and those verses in Deuteronomy and the Psalms all of which show the true relationship of EL Elyon as God Most High and Yahweh as His...
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    Buddhism: a philosophy, code of ethics, or religion?

    Samabodhi, perhaps if you addressed the problems of Buddhism I have raised you wouldn't be spouting contradictory ideas, such as this one: "The self is important. Besides, if there is no inherent self, as Buddhists believe, then there is no 'I' to favour. Each individual is viewed equally...
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    Does God speak to you?

    I would like Brian to allow me to post but fear that he feels I am too much of a threat to his ego to allow me that freedom. He has censored me off these boards and may likely do so again once this is posted. I have had many instructions given by what I can only call God since my original three...
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    Buddhism: a philosophy, code of ethics, or religion?

    Samabudhi, you make a serious mistake in thinking I separate "myself" from everything else when I question the logic of using a brain which has shut down the sense of self center as a measuring rod of "enlightenment". Actually, I find Buddhist ideas of non-ego attachment to be rather absurd as...
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    Thoughts on the Gospel of Thomas

    Until I read "split a piece of wood, and I am there. Lift up the stone, and you will find me there." in the Gospel of Thomas I had found no references to the state of mind I was in during my original religious conversion experience. Three full days of non-stop synchronicity experiences, one...
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    An historical Jesus

    The Jesus Seminar types have investment in their Historical Jesus as they see him through the eyes of the NT Gospel writers, the people they've spent lifetimes professionally studying. The Talmud is out of their area of expertise so they don't even look there closely which is a shame for good...
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    Buddhism: a philosophy, code of ethics, or religion?

    I don't understand the point of discussion if one has to disguise one's beliefs about other religious or philosophic paths. If I post that I do not believe in Buddhist claims of "enlightenment" because the source of such claims is very dubious once the Buddhist brain scan information is taken...
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    For those believing in the Christian idea of heaven...

    I am a Christian of the Gnostic sort and I have zip respect for those old Bible notions of heaven as glorified Jewish Temples, throne rooms, choruses of singing angels, gold and crystal, all of it totally artificial. If one wants to get a better idea of heaven I go with the thousands of...
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    An historical Jesus

    After discovering that a highly touted Jesus Seminar historical Jesus scholar knew less than I did about the Talmudic stories of Yeshu ben Pantera, I put more weight on those Talmudic references. It is impossible to read them without thinking they refer to Jesus as there are far too many points...
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    Christian God = Saddam Hussein

    There's a problem with the identity of the Christian God if you are a Gnostic Christian as we Gnostics do not hold with notion of the god of Israel being God Most High. There are two Genesis accounts and one can see a major difference in the deities encountered in them. It takes some research...
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    Buddhism: a philosophy, code of ethics, or religion?

    It seems one cannot post here if one doesn't agree with the principles of Buddhism. I posted my opinion of Buddhism and it was yanked as "inflammatory" because I concluded Buddhism is a brain manipulation technique to avoid psychic pain by de-activation of the sense of self center located in the...