Does God speak to you?

I said:
I'm sure there are plenty of people on this forum who would disagree - though as to what form of communication this takes is incredibly variable.
I guess maybe I should have said, He's never talked to me in the way I think of it. I agree there are numerous ways the Divine communicates with us. Mileage may vary. I still would love to hear of your experiences. Sounds fascinating!
After the fact

In my case, I pray to God for guidance, and I have a standing general prayer to the Lord to kindly and most generously always be around me everywhere I be, and whatever I be doing.

In more serious matters, I say more earnest and prolonged prayers.

That's the part of my talking to God. I don't feel that He's ever talked to me the way I do to Him. And I don't blame Him either; He does have a lot of other more important things to attend to, like quantum theories and dark matter/energy entities, and of course the state of mankind and the salvation of the world.

But when I look back, there have always been times when I think that God being in the right gracious mood towards me had saved me from all kinds of major and minor disasters, like making a complete fool of myself which can be a lot worse than death, or getting horribly hurt and even killed.

Then also in those cases of moral or physical or social calamities that have befallen me in life, I can still say to the Lord:

Thanks, just the same, God; for things could have been worse.

The worst thing is to get killed; then, as I tell God, I won't be around anymore to appreciate my worst catastrophe, or I will still be around and congratulating God and myself, saying to God:

Hey, God, it's all true, You exist and there's life after death.

Then, maybe God would tell me, Not so fast, Susma, there is life after death, but you haven't gotten to where you should go...

Briefly: yes, God talks to me and everyone and we should know that in hindsight; but for making decisions here and now, just pray and use our God-given mind and good intentions. And don't even try to get a message from Him by tea leaves or opening up the Bible with eyes closed.

Susma Rio Sep
Susma Rio Sep said:
Briefly: yes, God talks to me and everyone and we should know that in hindsight; but for making decisions here and now, just pray and use our God-given mind and good intentions. And don't even try to get a message from Him by tea leaves or opening up the Bible with eyes closed.
Very wisely put!
I said:
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself? Yes

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? Yes

If so, what was revealed?

Many things were revealed, one of the most important is that we cannot be in the spirit of the Originator of all things when we attempt to be left-brained and totally rational, cutting off the right brain functions. We must be whole in ourselves, both brains, to be in the wholeness of the Originator.

The only exception to this I have found is in the new quantum mathematics in which a strictly linear/planar path has begun to curve and expand, but this is simply starting on a left brain path and ending up using both right and left brain functions to comprhend something, which is one way of getting to the whole brain state. Interestingly enough quantum cosmology is circling (I should say globing?) around to the need for Anthropy (a Higher Conscious Originator) in some of the newest of its theories. Which just circles back to Godel's Theorem which implies that linear/rational/half-brain thinking can never reach an ultimate truth.

Unfortunately for men, the path between the brain lobes is a narrow one rather than a superhighway, so their work is often strenuous. Humility is involved, and men have been indoctrinated in pride, while women have been indoctrinated in humility. (No offense meant to you males, but it is the unfortunate circumstance you find yourself in.)

Additionally unfortunate for men is that when the spirit speaks through a whole-brained woman she is supposed to be silent and let the half-brained, left-brained men speak among themselves. :)
Communication to what you call god

As Thom Theory states, which none of you would have read as i havent published it yet, the entity, which man has comprehended as god, comunicates to chosen individuals that can bare the weight. It is the calling that i and many others have recieved which allows us to " communicate with god". All though i have not talked directly in words to it or it to me. the entity has shown me images of my life and of its. I would also like to state that Thom theory will be avaliable to read soon and email me if you would like a copy.
does God speak to us-

I said:
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?

From Louis ....

In other words, does "divine inspiration" EVER really happen ? Or do some people just NEED to think it
happens ? If it really does, how do we recognise it ?

If there really is an omnipotent God, then he would
obviously be CAPABLE of speaking to us - but why
should he ? He already gave us the power to REASON-
all we need to do is learn to use that properly and we
will eventualy discover everything God needs us to
know in order to serve his purpose . Might take us a
few million years, but God has plenty of time.
I would like Brian to allow me to post but fear that he feels I am too much of a threat to his ego to allow me that freedom. He has censored me off these boards and may likely do so again once this is posted. I have had many instructions given by what I can only call God since my original three day long religious conversion experience 25 years ago at Easter of 1979. These instructions come by new religious thoughts coming unbidden into my mind which are then "reinforced" some way in my "real" world by synchronicity signs. That's how God "talks" with me, through such Signs. As only God can arrange my world to bring such Signs to me, and as amazing things have happened besides the creation of a brand new Christian religion, I believe without doubt in my relationship with God as one selected to bear witness of new spiritual instructions sorely needed in our world overrun with men with guns using anything and everything as justification for territorial conquest and control, even a God of mercy and compassion.

Brian, I do not want to create more new identities in order to circumvent your censorship of my postings on Comparative Religions boards. I have much to offer everyone in terms of what prophetic experience is like and what God's will is for us at the dawning of the New Millennium. You should decide now whether or not you will allow me to continue to post or kick me off as I am incapable of pretending to be someone I'm not, i.e., a seeker of religious truth. I have found and want to tell everyone what it is that I have found--a New Christian belief system for New Millennium realities.

[link removed]
Stephen, the ego is yours in demanding that CR conforms to your own expectations of how a community should be run. Also note that CR is not a place for supposed self-styled modern prophets to dump their personal ideology, nor to serve as an advertising ground for their beliefs. This is a place for discussion, rather than for a minority to demand to be able to dictate their own manifestos.

Despite your trolling, if you can accept that then you are fine to stay, but if you are going to insist otherwise then you bet I'll boot you out along with anyone else who tries to set themselves above everyone else in this place.

As for your own spiritual experiences - from everything you've stated, I can only say that there are various members of this forum that make your own spiritual experiences seem like spiritual kindegarten. If you experienced something real for yourself then that's great for you - but don't you dare expect to be excused just because you claim grand titles, and minor experiences, as your justification for your behaviour.

This post is not a discussion point either - you either accept the way of the community here, or I simply impose an IP ban..
I was going to start a thread on Mormonism, but the question of personal revelation was the only issue I wanted to bring up so... this thread's good 'nough.

I always liked the Torah scenerios of personal conversations with God. Moses took the people to the mountain, God spoke and they crapped their pants. So, here's hoping God keeps the chit-chat on an abstract level. For me, anyway.

I personally feel like everything said, everything done, everything that stands, is the tongue of God. Its a language of images, sensations, words, thoughts, smells, sounds, etc.
I said:
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?

I guess it sounds weird to say that God speaks to me in the shower in the morning. Actually, I've come to think of this more like the Holy Spirit at work, and I do not hear voices or see apparitions or anything. But, when I wake up and my head is clear the ideas that come to me, especially those about spiritual, ethical, moral issues that have been on my mind, are those best acted upon. Sometimes it almost is like someone has whispered a word in my ear. An astounding instance of this was during one of my more active seeking stages when I was just sort of daydreaming about nothing and the word "compassion" came into my head so singularly and clearly that it seemed like it was said out loud. Just meditating on this word moved my path into a wonderful walk that I will always treasure.

Other times there have been very strange coincidences that my rational mind still writes off as just that, but my spirit still believes were answers to prayers. How often have I prayed for help and then been shocked when the Holy Spirit actually shows up! It's easy to see how insanity slips in. I believe that God is mysteriously working in my life all the time. But I am not to forsake my rational mind while making descisions about the practical things of life.

In short, I've never done a mind meld with God--just had glimmers that it is possible.
I said:
As an extension from the issues raised from the "Prophecy" thread, I'd like to pose a somewhat different question:

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?

This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through phsical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

And has anyone ever felt as if they could commune directly with the mind of God? If so, what was revealed?
In 1983, on a Jersey beach I decided to take a swim. Being a Coasty, I was well aware of the rip tide, but still had to swim out. So, I get 'out' to where I just had to be and look around. Dumb, I think to myself as I begin to swim back (about a quarter mile from shore). "Look Down" is what I hear in my head. It was so loud I thought a boat was near by with a speaker phone. Seeing no boat I begin to swim back. "LOOK DOWN"! Let me tell you, imagination or not, when you are commanded to do something with that kind of athority, you don't question twice. I put my head in the water and looked down...and there was a child (boy of 11), caught between the tide and the still water, just spinning slowly, about 15 feet below me.

Can you imagine that? (it is on record at the local constabulary [sheriff's office]).

He lived, so did I (obviously).

My point is this: Why did I suddenly feel the need to swim into a precarious situation, considering the fact that I teach people not to do the same thing. Why did I hear a voice so loud and commanding that it caused me to do something I would never consider doing? Why was there no one around to validate the "voice of athority"?

And here is the kicker: Why did the kid swear I talked to him in his native language (spanish), calming him down, when I didn't know spanish to save my ass?

God? It damn sure wasn't me!


hey all

the Quaker tradition believes that all people have a spark of the divine within them, and that we can all potentially commune with God. there are often times where i silently ask "what should i do?" (often with lots of silent exasperation) and a sort of conviction or answer will come to me. is it the grace of God, or His talking to me? i don't know, but i can't see why it couldn't well be Him just as easily as it could be my own self. either way, i've been given an answer.
Dear Brian

Do you personally feel that God can communicate with yourself?


This can be either directly, through intermediaries, or through physical circumstance (ie, coincidence).

YES all of them

The Sacred Union with the Divine, the lover and the beloved.

A recent experience......

Zealous Compassion
Harmonic Concordance 2 at England’s Nazareth.
1st October 2004

The Power of Our Lord

We left on time, the skies were clear blue and the sun shone brilliantly, on this mild day in the UK. We got lost many times on the 3.5 hour car journey. We knew that this was meant to be, our arrival in Little Walsingham was spot on 1.00pm just in time to carry out the ceremony. We received a wonderful welcome from the Shirehall Museum, the gateway to the 12th century Abbey. As we walked silently down the medieval walkway, the sight of the huge imposing Abbey portal, took our breath away. We were in total awe of what stood before us. At the top of the Abbey the symbol of the four pointed star was in the architectural stonework, the four-rayed star later the Maltese Cross, and used by the order of St John Jerusalem. It is an iconic form of the Sumerian Shamash as Sun God, God of Love and Justice. It symbolizes the perfect union of man and woman, GOD and earth. The energy was beaming from all directions and the closer we got to the portal the more powerful it became, Archangel Michael was waiting. We knew we had missed this opportunity over a 1,000 years ago, this time it was going to be different. This time we would use our conscious loving intent to ground the divine energies to free human kind of all darkness and the demon of possession on planet earth. This energy was different from the first Harmonic Concordance, one could really feel the energy of these words:


After the ceremony, we found it very hard to leave this place of power and peaceful conscious intention, on leaving we turned back to look once more. Archangel Michael towered over the Abbey Portal in all his glory with his arms raised to the sky. The energy that was moving through him into the earth cannot be described into words, a captivating experience never to be forgotten.

The Love of Our Lady

Next stop was Our Ladies Shrine, we collected the holy water from the well, then went to pray to Mother Mary. Wonderful messages were received and she spoke of the ‘Zealous Compassion’ that had taken place, she thanked everyone for taking part and reassured us that the message is being heard, in the right place of the heart. She said the natural laws are on your side, do not worry all will be revealed, YOU have divine authority, rest now and prepare for the time ahead. We then drove out of the village to the coastline, Wells-at-the-Sea, a pretty little sailing village that was about to receive a Harmonic Epiphany. We blessed the waters and carried out the ceremony, we asked that this water to cast out all pollution and darkness from the sea and its inhabitants, also for the birds of the skies.

The Grace of GOD

One-by-one we placed the water in the sea; after I had finished I looked across to Toni. Each time she threw the holy water in, it formed the shape of the Cross, not once but three different times we witnessed this! As we stood there watching the water drift away, suddenly the screeching sound of birds flew on masse. They came from two different directions uniting and flying together in front of us, for ten minutes at least. There must have been 300+of these birds singing and dancing together in the skies above us. We stood there in amazement at the flight of joy and sound of thank you for Harmonic Epiphany. Whilst leaving the beach we met some bird watchers and the man said with a frown upon his face. ‘Brent Geese and Oyster Catchers, they don’t mix or fly together… Something must have frightened them to do that! We smiled and said thank you. Then leaving in a dazed state of the events adventured this day, we pondered on those words…

Come together from all directions and fly like the birds

The story of Harmonic Concordance II and the power of manifestation unfolds! What has been conveyed so far?

Early 2004 it was written that the planetary divine mother energy vibration was rising on 22nd May 2004 up to master number 22. The numerology represents powerful relationships, unity, harmony and manifestation of grand schemes. Two of us went on this trip to day, and two different types of birds flew and merged from two different directions. The numeral influence of two adds another force in a higher plane. We started the day with the Power of Lord Michael, the Love and divine authority bestowed by the Holy Mother, then the Grace of GOD finished the day with the most powerful message for us all:

We are in this together YOU and I, fly together, come together like the birds.
East and West, North and South fly in from all directions.
In relationship with the natural world, two by two, walk side by side, just like Noah’s ark.
Unite everyone and listen to these words,
I put the power of the universe here now!
Its on fire, blaze away… until all hearts are aflame, the flock will rise and then peace will reign supreme.
From England’s Nazareth and pastures green to the sea at Galilee,
A resolution to Jerusalem, a global vision of zealous compassion, in gratitude of LOVE, flock together like the birds and UNIFY.
The community inspiring human kind, the union of divine love.



Love beyond measure

God can speak to anyone but many of us aren't really open to the conversation. It's not a voice but a sense of knowing. Kind of like being lead by faith. You know what to do; the voices are when you rationalize what is being said in the subconscious. you hear of people saying that they just did it but don't really know why - however, demons can speak as well. The difference is how you feel when you are doing something: peace or confusion. Anyhow, as we strengthen our faith and fall back from analyzing and doubting, we can give more attention to that sense of knowing - the form of what I believe is 'God-Speech'.
truthseeker said:
God can speak to anyone but many of us aren't really open to the conversation. It's not a voice but a sense of knowing. Kind of like being lead by faith. You know what to do; the voices are when you rationalize what is being said in the subconscious. you hear of people saying that they just did it but don't really know why - however, demons can speak as well. The difference is how you feel when you are doing something: peace or confusion. Anyhow, as we strengthen our faith and fall back from analyzing and doubting, we can give more attention to that sense of knowing - the form of what I believe is 'God-Speech'.
Interesting point of view! :D


i give u islamic view about speaking with god

allah says in (quran42 :51)
"It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah's permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise. "
by inspiration>>>> like prophet
from behind a veil>>>>>>like moses
by massengers of god>>>>>>like us
truthway_009 said:
i give u islamic view about speaking with god

allah says in (quran42 :51)
"It is not fitting for a man that Allah should speak to him except by inspiration, or from behind a veil, or by the sending of a messenger to reveal, with Allah's permission, what Allah wills: for He is Most High, Most Wise. "
by inspiration>>>> like prophet
from behind a veil>>>>>>like moses
by massengers of god>>>>>>like us
Hello Truthway!. Hope your studies are going well. ;)

This view is similar to other views of various religions, however, they never emphasise the original point of the creation of man. It is like that part is forgotten. Man might conveniently forget, but God I'm sure did not.

Man's original purpose was to walk and talk and commune with God. And God has been trying to get man to walk and talk and commune with Him, ever since.


God communicates with us, it could be words, it could be signs but God is within us. Our ignorance is what blinds us to him. We are all capable of listening to God and the ways are unlimited.

Often times we, being of the flesh, think we should not be so bold as to address God but in a servant sort of way. Of course, not to say that we are on His level; if anyone has ever sat down in a chair, alone in a room, and just had a really respectful conversation with God in a very chummy sort of way: I feel very blessed after that conversation. As if the Lord was pleased to allow me to walk with Him for the rest of the day (if I acted right, of course). I think of Him as my father, who is very proud of me because I have turned out to be an exemplary adult.
truthseeker said:
Often times we, being of the flesh, think we should not be so bold as to address God but in a servant sort of way. Of course, not to say that we are on His level; if anyone has ever sat down in a chair, alone in a room, and just had a really respectful conversation with God in a very chummy sort of way: I feel very blessed after that conversation. As if the Lord was pleased to allow me to walk with Him for the rest of the day (if I acted right, of course). I think of Him as my father, who is very proud of me because I have turned out to be an exemplary adult.
Not true there Truthseeker. I blast God, I Bless Him, I scream, I laugh, I leap and pump my fist. I Cry, and curse and just deal with God, being to being. Sometimes it is Parent to child (me child), and sometimes it is adult to adult (albeit a much older and wiser adult than me). Sometimes I am very disrespectful, and other times I wish I wasn't. Sometimes I am so damn defiant. And then I come back wondering aloud what I was thinking, and how stupid I'd been...

I beat on "God" like a smith beats an anvil. But everytime I go back to "polish" the steel, it looks and feels brand new...

If you can answer that one...

