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  1. multi-dimension


    Zen (Note: The ‘Zen’ here is the same meaning as the Chinese ‘Chan’) 1. Zen, is a Buddhist sect in China, therefore, it is called ‘Chan school’. 2. Zen, is a method of meditation, therefore, it is called ‘meditation of Chan’. 3. Zen, is a kind of spiritual training, therefore, it is...
  2. multi-dimension


    Zen (這裡的〝Zen〞是和中國的〝Chan〞,同義,僅注) 1. Zen在中國是佛教的一個流派,因而稱之為〝禪宗〞。 2. Zen,是一種修持的方法。因而稱之為〝禪修〞。 3. Zen,是一種精神的修養,因而稱之為〝禪道〞。 4. Zen,祂發源於印度(史稱〝印度禪〞),傳進中國(稱為〝中國禪〞),然後通過日本等其它國家,流傳到全世界。這個時候的就稱之為〝世界禪〞。 5. Zen,它由菩提達摩傳進中國。根據中國可靠的官方歷史和中國佛教歷史的記載,菩提達摩由公元520年進入中國,公元529年圓寂。圓寂於中國河南省,登封縣,嵩山少林寺(Mountain...
  3. multi-dimension

    Life and Death?

    Thank-you for your compassion. It seems the contents of this forum is very rich, the discussion of all parties are with wisdom.
  4. multi-dimension

    Life and Death?

    The learning of Buddhism, is the learning of the universe, life, and human life.