Good Day!


New Member
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Hello all and good day to you!

I've browsed by here several times and have found a great interest in the conversations that take place and I am quite amazed at the fact that there is minimal flaming and more debating. I know that in debates, the two (or sometimes more than two) sides must eventually come to a consensus. If this doesn't happen, then the debate turns into a heated argument and passion, rather than logic, takes the wheel.

Before I get into rants so soon, I'll stop myself and just say hi here and then continue onto another forum to continue my engagement in analytical discussions.

A little about myself:

I'm in college (first year) and I'm loving it. In high school my teachers always held me back on my essays and creativity, but in college it's a whole different ball game and quite frankly I'm zipping around the bases so fast that I'm starting to confuse myself in one of my essays. (that didn't make much sense either):p

I love discuss religion and politics (debate captain in high school so it comes naturally now). I grew up in the liberal region of Dallas/Fort Worth Texas but I'm surprisingly conservative; although I mostly claim to "sit on the fence" on several issues.

I'm male.......what? You were expecting more detail?:D

I do a lot of journalism in my free time. And by journalism, I mean the big editorial part. I'm the head of a small press organization called RAP (Roleplaying Affiliated Press) where I conduct articles and help sponsor small play-by-post roleplaying communities. So basically, I'm a nerd.:eek: I'd give you the link to the RAP home page, but I don't want to break any rules, so you can find it in my profile later on.

And finally, I'm Christian so you'll probably find me hanging threads that focus on Christian ideology; but on the other hand, I'm very open-minded and would love compare and contrast beliefs. Otherwise, I wouldn't be here now would I?

Hope to see everyone sometime sooner or later!
Welcome and looking forward to discussion.

(note to self, second one this week that says they haven't seen much disagreement, must be I'm to picky...)
Hello and welcome. It's a great place to be. You'll have fun!