Has anyone NOT done the Santa Claus thing?

Volunteerism of all sorts is, I think, a good thing. But I find in my own life that what is really good for me in terms of giving is to pray that God allows beings in need of anything to find their way to me, and that He provides me with what they need.

That's a good approach, path. At a prayer meeting the other day, one of our members express he was having financial difficulties this time of year and asked us to pray for him. Well, guess what God laid on my heart? A Christmas card signed 'Any Mouse'...you figure out the rest.
wil said:
As for well to do communities you never know. My family's church in Prince Frederick (round the corner from you I believe) takes part in housing and feeding the homeless in the colder winter months, each church taks a week, and cots are passed on from location to location...sundown till 9 am they are given a place to stay a dinner and a breakfast. It is needed in that community,

Sounds like a fine idea, wil. So they sleep in the church? We are limited on space, though. Not sure how we could work it, but worth looking into.

will said:
Thanksgiving and Christmas are often the last time most centers need help, as they get so many volunteers, best to call and see when you can fill in, knowing what they need most is a regular schedule, one meal a week or a month, it really doesn't matter as long as they can count on you it helps them.

Q said:
I would think that there was a soup kitchen of some sort in your area (there is one Downtown Frederick), that can always use assistance of many kinds.

Prince Fredrick is only about 25 miles from me. I'll look into it as well as others around.

Eventually, I hope to get my entire church involved in something like this. I think people might appreciate an opportunity to give back their time, talent and treasure on something worthwhile.
Prince Fredrick is only about 25 miles from me. I'll look into it as well as others around. .
FYI this area has three "Freds" Fredericksburg down in VA, Prince Frederick near you...but the Frederick in Q's neck of the woods is about an hour or two north of ya!

I do know there is a shelter in Prince Frederick but I don't know if there is a regular kitchen...

ps.. Santa makes it to all those Fredericks...

Oh and I asked my children when they quit believing, my daughter says 5th or 6th grade, started wondering around 3rd. My son says he still believes, that is his story and he is stickin to it. (they are both 10th graders) My daughter has no issues, she thinks it is funny that her mom still labels gift from Santa, figured it out when she found a pile of gifts already labeled under a table the week before Christmas. My son is perturbed that everyone doesn't believe and so many insist he doesn't exist..