I would love to see a discussion on this subject but rather than be so predictably 'tao' I am willing to sit back, for as long as is possible, and not chime in. Take the floor.... I am listening....
I would love to see a discussion on this subject but rather than be so predictably 'tao' I am willing to sit back, for as long as is possible, and not chime in. Take the floor.... I am listening....
Sorry Tao, my watch doesn't have a seconds finger on it.
I suppose I could fear waking up to find that I'm a gay Catholic...
BBC NEWS | World | Europe | Pope attacks blurring of gender
And what's with the cryptic numbers and characters???
Yeah, where ya headed? Sort of like he's layin a trap...I'm afraid I'm not sure what, specifically, you're getting at Tao. The place of fear in faith? If faith can reduce fear?
Perhaps an operational definition of what you mean by faith and fear are in order?
The characters are allegedly Tao in classical Chinese script. I was going to use them for a signature rather than type tao as was usual from me. But I have been banned from doing so.
"That is why we fly from the inner void, since God might steal into it. It is not the pursuit of pleasure and the aversion for effort which causes sin, but fear of God. We know that we cannot see him face to face without dying, and we do not want to die." Simone Weil -- Gravity and Grace