Age of Aquarius

I said:
Whatever the Mayan calendar consisted of, the Mayan Prophecies book didn't do a great job of interpreting it. Essentially, they turned Mayan prophecy into a colour-by-numbers exercise, where numbers that looked a bit like other numbers suddenly became exactly equivalent. Disappointing.

Anyone expacting a major religious event in 2012 is shopping at the same store the 2000 millenialists stocked up at.

However, 2017...

This was something I received some time ago, but don't know the web site .... but in essence it says

"Carlos Barrios was born into a Spanish family on El Altiplano, the highlands of Guatemala. His home was in Huehuetenago, also the dwelling place of the Maya Mam tribe. .... they are the keepers of time (authorities on the mayan calendar" ... Mr. Barrios is a historian, an anthropologist and investigator. After studying with traditional elders for 25 years since the age of 19, he also became a Mayan Ajq'ij, a ceremonial priest and spiritual guide, Eagle Clan "
note: this background is important for the next part ....

"Anthropologist visit the temple sites" Mr. Barrios says, "and read the stelas and inscriptions and make up stories about the Maya, but they do not read the signs correctly. It's just their imagination. Other people write about prophecy in the name of Maya. They say that the world will end in December 2012. The Mayan elders ar angry at this. The world will not end. It will be transformed. The indigenous have the calendars and know how to accurately interpret it, not others."

"from that 1987 date until now, Mr. Barros say, we have been in a time when the right arm of the materialistic world is disapearing, slowly but inexorably. We are at the cusp of an era when peace begins and people live in harmony with mother earth. We are no longer in the world of the Fourth Sun, but we are not yet in the World of the Fifth Sun. This is the time in-between, the time of transition. All this was foreseen via the simple, spiral mathematics of the Mayan calendars. It will change, everything will change."

There is a web site called Beyond 2012, a Convergence of Eschatogocial Information .... worth the read if you have the time and inclination to go through many of the theories connected with the year 2012 .... a few highlights

"Timewave Zero; the fractal timewave system .... a complex computer analysis of the I Ching revedaled a hierarchy of 26 timewaves which govern the unfolding of events in the universe .... when converted into a single ractal wave, and mapped against history, the graph peaks in 2012."

"The Cherokee Calendar terminatews in 2012 .... see reference to changing agnetic field will alter the endocrine production of the pineal gland .... critical mass and brain function ...."

even the hawaiian chant predicts a 2nd great flood or wave, but in the year 2023 .... but it is a metaphor and not a prediction of the end of the world .... but another time of transformation ....

the concept of moving fromthe fourth world to the fifth is related, in my view, to the seven energy centers in the body .... four are below the neck and three are above .... when you begin to move into the head area, if we are in fact in transition between the two worlds, you should begin to vibrate at a higher frequency (you are now reaching the blues and purple colors in the spectrum of color which have a higher frequency than the lower colors of red etc.) but you must be able to reconnect the "severed head" (that symbol that we have been disconnected and unbalanced) .... when the whole system is reconnected, the time of transition should almost complete .... at least that is the theory (or is that my theory?) ....

the age of aquarius is part of the great cycle of the movement of the constellations as well as the ancient calendars .... what is most amazing is that it was all set in motion by a presence greater than us as individuals .... or are we in fact each a part of the process .I really don't like the scare tactics of those try to prophecize that the world is ending and every disaster is some sort of proof that this is occurring .... perhaps the world as we know it is ending, but what we can create is a place of great beauty in its place ...... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine

I certainly wouldn't want to prophesi the end of the world, nor do I claim the current disasters are an indication of said 'end of world', and Ive never jumped on any millenium band wagon as their really wasn't any solid proof, however you have supplied a few more examples of things that talk about 2012, it just gets larger and larger, not that when that date comes Im going to be selling all my gear, cashing in for tangibles and hiding in a bunker somewhere, but I'll certainly take a precautionary holiday somewhere high with a nice little cache of resourses and a few people I love. When the date passes I can climb down from my hill a little relieved and begin clinging desperately to the idea that it might be a gradual enlightened transition, rather than just having got the date wrong and still be inline for doom.

Well it seems that despite what each of us may consider the final result of the coming of the age of aquarius, it does seem that we favour the opinion of some form of change/transition, possibly this is a vain hope, a modern society clinging to an ancient system of time for the possiblity we may escape what tends to feel sometimes like an ever degrading mess of a world.

I myself have trouble accepting this pleasant transformation of conciousness, not that I dont wish it so, it does just seem a tad optimistic given the level of greedyness and hoarding of resourses, too often have I tried to have a conversation with somebody of a more open minded topic only to have that invisible veil drop down over their eyes, signifiying that they will not accept any information that conflicts with their world view (or just plain boredom?).

No mythology I can think of has a nice happy transition to paradise, all are like the phoenix or pelican they are sacrificed that their successor might thrive, birth follows destruction, these are the natural rites of passage.

Assuming a happy transition, how do nearly 7 billion people redistribute their wealth? How do they downsize their population and burden on resourses, mayans talk of the fifth sun ending in fire, fire in nature is a cleansing element, water nurishes the ground after.

Heres to a happy transition...
yes, here's to a happy transition .... actually I don't get too caught up in dates and times, although I follow several calendars out of interest .... what I am most interested in is the change of consciousness in each of us as we return to an ancient path of knowledge .... that's why a site such as this is so important, I really believe that that ancient path crosses all religions and traditions but we have to look deep within the symbols and metaphors and parables .... when we find that which connects us, we can begin to move as a group toward changing our world ... sad how much energy we waste fighting each other when we could pool our energy to move toward what we all seek anyway .... I am the eternal optimist and see light at the end of the tunnel always .... at one time in my life I walked one of those tunnels and saw a brilliant revolving light at the end, I will never forget its beauty and its draw .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine
I guess what you say about the studying of the global myth structure and viewing it as a greater whole is what got me into this whole topic in the first place, viewing each faith or myth or symbolism individually rarely gives any great insight, but unlike what your suggesting I fail to see any interconnected web of myth and or symbolism that suggests anything other than tough times for those who get to see the age of aquarius come into full swing I admit that those that survive will probably get to see an age of enlightenment, at least thats what the symbols also say.

So apart from the mutually desired "happy transition" its either approaching crunch time (date irrelevant) or its a long slow wind into a bush inspired inevitable collapse, much like the romans our time will also slowly degrade into war, no civilisation lasts for ever (it would be arogant to assume were better than that), especially if we continue to stir up that middle eastern hornets nest. I never heard so many people use the term "rag head" so often in these parts...

...I'd almost welcome a cull of the population compared to the continuation of this madness.

aloha e P72 .... that is what makes this all so fascinating, how we can look at the same thing and see it so differently .... when I started on this path I felt fear about what was to come, but I've walked it now for well over 40 years and my view has changed completely, now I can only see connections and the coming of a positive transition of mankind .... however, I don't try to convince others of the truth or untruth of how I see things, I only appreciate the opportunity to share my thoughts .... myths, prophecies, and symbols have become my passion and I see so many possibilities in connecting people through the inner meaning of their stories .... we are much more than we think we are .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine and p.s. happy transition, enjoy the ride since it will certaintly be a bumpy one ....
Aloha Pokaikawahine,

Hopefully the amniotic waters of the planet have already now released as in the past year. And now in birth we are both midwife as custodians of care, and new life entering.

Being fully aware, totaly positive, fully relaxed, melting with the waves pushing us forward. We can, for others there are, already see the light at the end of the tunnel, it is in our hands to hold steady.

Shall we say transcending the bump, and we float in smooth passage.
aloha e ceil - I love that description .... great thoughts .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine p.s. I really should do a spell check after I post, I noticed I wrote about a "ractal wave" and it should have been "fractal", thank goodness I got the "a" right .... lol
Beautiful ladies, really nice,

being an optimistic person myself I value such a positive take on what promises to be enlightened era ahead, and assuming you are women (assumption I realise, sorry if Im incorrect) you have experienced child birth right? I know that many women can use more constructive natural methods to bring their little bundles of joy into the world but the majority dont experience such bliss, of course Im not talking about children am I? usually the birthing process is difficult and painful sometimes accompanied with a big slap on the bottom.

Surely you must consider that we (positive seekers that we try to be) are a minority blessed with a full belly and a bit of idle time to consider the greater importance of god an the precession of the ages, the coming of the age of aquarius how interesting! But most people though are either rapidly in the process of aquiring the most amount of material items they can lay their hands on or scramble in the dust to cobble together a meal before their bellies distend. Custodians of care may refer to the few enlightened souls around but not to the other 99% who would sooner do a 'C' section because it makes their genitals less stretched and they keep a better figure. Then after we can send our new aquarian child off to nannys, boarding school, summer schools before eventually a therapist who will medicate the age heavilly.

It is easy to quote, hinduism, judeo-christianity, zoroastianism, gnostic writtings, mayans, norse mythology, science, egyptians, Australian aboriginals, Nostradamus, Mother shipton, Edgar Case, hopi indians and others to demonstrate destructive theories but Im much more interested in your theory (truthfully, despite the cynisism) how can I find out more about it? The magnetic field may have lost 58% power and the pole may move and fluctuate wildly and geology may claim we're overdue but Im sick of hearing the bad news.

Apart from general intuitions and faith in humanities good heart, where can we see any reversal in the trend of greed and violence, the amniotic has broken but the pain rises, I too would like to look forward to those melting waves, and not the ones due to crash down on my head when the ice caps go...

With sincerity and love,

dear p72 .... do you actually remember the birthing process as a child and the slap on the bottom (most do not), and it is the same with giving birth .... after all is done, it is hard to remember the pain because of that bundle of joy .... but back to the theories of destruction or construction (depending on your view) ...

the theories are all subject to different interpretations but how does one find the keys to the inner meaning .... I can read the theories of the Hopi, and Edgar Cayce, and Nostradamas, and even the Book of Revelations but I do not see doom .... it's all in the symbols ....

the Hopi say that this is the time in which we will meet ourselves .... it is the return to our own wholeness, our ability to move above the frequency of the world of matter into another way of thinking ....

Edgar Cayce said it would take three to open the hall of records .... the place of all knowing .... he was speaking of merging the three hemisphers of the brain, this is when the three become One and we again move to a higher frequency of thinking and open the portals in our own minds to the world of spirit .... to paradise if you wish to use that term ....

In Revelations to open the seven seals is only to open the seven energy centers within the human body and run the energy up into the brain .... there are four centers below the level of the neck and three above .... we cross over when we move into the upper three .... the result is to be born again into a new way of being ....

Since I believe that the return of the next prophet is actually the return of each of us to ourselves (as the Hopi say,the time in which we meet ourselves) .... we each have the power to change our world by simply changing our minds ....

Simply theory, complex symbols, not an easy ride .... but it is not only possible, it has started ..... once the symbols turn, the inner meaning becomes more visible beneath the many veils .... this is the meaning within the meaning .... the serpent that eats its own tail .... to enter the cave, to enter the bridal chamber of the virgins, to enter the lodge of the white brotherhood (has nothing to do with the color white, but enlightnment), to find the holy grail, to enter the holy of holies ..... all the same place, just different names .... all the same process, just different stories ..... it's all in the symbols and the sounds of the story itself .... that's the theory in a nutshell .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
Yeah I get that, thats all the symbolism that got me thinking there might be more to this change of age thing than just the stars ticking over. Theres alot more too that Im sure your well aware of.

I remember having a talk with a little sadu in india who said the same things about the opening of the 7th lotus and all that, made me feel like there was something to look forward to, til he handed me the post card of the Kali to take with me...
don't take Kali too seriously, she wears a necklace of skulls for a reason .... she is not as dark as she seems .... lol, pohaikawahine
As a man I've explored the various identities associated with being a man, Warrior, poet, lover, father etc, but natures not a man, although the pagan gods were gods of the wild (and goddesses of civilisation). Are you forgetting that one whole aspect of the woman, the "crone" is responsible for weeding out the unworthy, it is feminine to cycle, the old dies so that the young can be born, the phoenix rises from the ashes, to skip straight from mother to maiden would be losing one of those three symbols you were talking about.

It seems strange to use the circle of life in a discussion with women. I like a happy transition concept but with that lazy male part of me that doesn't want to do the hard work that will come with the coming of a new age.

No mythology lacks a final destruction epic.

Phoenix72 said:
No mythology lacks a final destruction epic.


ah P72 .... but most mythology has at least four levels of meaning, the deepest contains the sacred seeds .... and those final destruction epics might be seen in a different light .... it is like shape shifting, the form changes and what appears is something very different .... several of us might hear the same myth, but we will not all see it the same way .... aloha nui, pohaikawahine
Phoenix72 said:
No mythology lacks a final destruction epic.

I'm not sure that this is true.

For instance, what classical Greek myth predicts an end to the world? How about Egyptian?
Point taken Poha, symbolism can really be taken many ways especially when viewed from a single point, though its pretty hard to view it too far from the general meaning when something like destruction happens across the board.

And master bgruagach, ever heard of the titans? The messianic style battle between upcoming god at the change of an era, strange also involved alot of polar ice mention as well. May not happen in the chronological order you want but it still happens and well with in topic too.

Peace P72
Phoenix72 said:
And master bgruagach, ever heard of the titans? The messianic style battle between upcoming god at the change of an era, strange also involved alot of polar ice mention as well. May not happen in the chronological order you want but it still happens and well with in topic too.

Peace P72

The titans in Greek myth were precursors to the Olympic deities... and the world did not end when the titans were overthrown. The human era was when the Olympian deities were alive and active so it's a bit confusing to say the titan story is about the end of the world when it supposedly happened long before humans appeared on the scen.

Perhaps you're confusing Greek and Norse myth -- the fact you bring up ice suggests that. Yes, the Norse do have an end of the world type of myth that involves titan-like beings (frost giants, etc.) battling with the deities. But I still don't know of a Greek myth that talks about the world coming to an end in the future.

A friend of mine who is much more knowledgeable about Egyptian myth told me that the closest they have to an end of the world myth is the belief that the sun dies each night and is reborn each morning. The only way that cycle could conceivably be broken (i.e. the sun not being reborn in the morning) is if the deities were to abandon their duties. And in Egyptian myth that is not even considered to be a possibility as the deities are always there.
bgruagach said:
The titans in Greek myth were precursors to the Olympic deities... and the world did not end when the titans were overthrown. The human era was when the Olympian deities were alive and active so it's a bit confusing to say the titan story is about the end of the world when it supposedly happened long before humans appeared on the scen.

Perhaps you're confusing Greek and Norse myth -- the fact you bring up ice suggests that. Yes, the Norse do have an end of the world type of myth that involves titan-like beings (frost giants, etc.) battling with the deities. But I still don't know of a Greek myth that talks about the world coming to an end in the future.

A friend of mine who is much more knowledgeable about Egyptian myth told me that the closest they have to an end of the world myth is the belief that the sun dies each night and is reborn each morning. The only way that cycle could conceivably be broken (i.e. the sun not being reborn in the morning) is if the deities were to abandon their duties. And in Egyptian myth that is not even considered to be a possibility as the deities are always there.

hmmmm ben .... you are getting into some of my favorite symbols .... the twelve gods of mount olympus for one .... I actually look at the 12 gods, the 12 gates, the 12 sages, the 12 tribes, the 12 knights of the round table .... and many other circles of 12 as part of an internal process of the movement of energy in the human body .... the mountain is a symbol of our head (or in the case the 12 knights, it is the round table) .... in the center of the brain is the limbic system (also known as the altar, the cave, the location of the holy grail) .... there are 12 pairs of cranial nerves that operate the whole system, so all 12 gates must be opened .... the system is also made up of the seven energy centers within the human body (four below the level of the neck and three in the head area) .... all must be reconnected (reconnecting the severed head symbolically) for us to reach the top of the mountain where we see the light or become enlightened .... everything is in the symbols, even the opening of the seven seals .... myths, biblical texts, chants must all be read or heard at several levels of meaning .... the deepest (or in hawaiian the 'huna') is the sacred .... when we open our eyes and see with our souls we will find our way again and become whole (that was my dream) ....

one last tidbit .... the brain is covered by a net of nerve endings and it is called the arachnoid (the spider's net, the shroud, the bridal veil) .... all different names and different symbols for the same thing .... this covering over the brain (between the hard part of the brain and the soft matter) is what transmits all the signals .... touch one part and it vibrates all, just like a spider's web ....

so the legends or myths connected with the age of aquarus, the greek, the egyptian, the biblical texts .... all are connected in the symbols in my view .... this is my 10 cents worth (my contribution to the whole) .... he hawai'i au, pohaikawahine
bgruagach said:
The titans in Greek myth were precursors to the Olympic deities... and the world did not end when the titans were overthrown. The human era was when the Olympian deities were alive and active so it's a bit confusing to say the titan story is about the end of the world when it supposedly happened long before humans appeared on the scen.

Perhaps you're confusing Greek and Norse myth -- the fact you bring up ice suggests that. Yes, the Norse do have an end of the world type of myth that involves titan-like beings (frost giants, etc.) battling with the deities. But I still don't know of a Greek myth that talks about the world coming to an end in the future.

A friend of mine who is much more knowledgeable about Egyptian myth told me that the closest they have to an end of the world myth is the belief that the sun dies each night and is reborn each morning. The only way that cycle could conceivably be broken (i.e. the sun not being reborn in the morning) is if the deities were to abandon their duties. And in Egyptian myth that is not even considered to be a possibility as the deities are always there.

The main point I was making here was that it was a story about a change in circumstance for that world at that time in mythology, if you read the dead sea scrolls you'll find its not too different from the messianic epic in its essential tale. Its always battle/destruction with a resurrection, Jesus lugs a cross gets wacked and then hes back renewed, Kali trys to destroy the world at the end of the Kali Yuga then is reminded of her love of Shiva, In the bhagavad-vita Vishnu tells his side kick that the war he fights is nessasary, luke loses his mentor (the teacher of righteousness) and Battles Darth Vader (the anti christ) to resurrect the force. Did somebody say Jungian conciousness? These myths occur over and over in humanitys myths.

As far as the egyptians, they were so bold as to even spell it out for us and actually say that north would become south in their book of the dead (or more appropriately the book of going forth) and that the world would see great turmoil. Interestingly enough Ms pohaikawahine, when Osiris encountered Set he was cut up and 12 pieces and a thirteenth (his phalus) were found, the only piece still at large was his spine, his Kundalini, the Caduceus, the serpents. All was reborn when Isis gives birth to Horus. The Hindus have a tale about the gods going looking for treasure in the (picean) sea, they use a great serpent to hold a massive stone to churn the seas until their bounty came out, 12 precious items came out, plus the ambrosia (13) and then later a woman walked out for me a symbol of the reawakening of the feminine.

Again this coming age (and the last one) does seem to have alot of numbers popping up again and again in the Myth structure, pohaikawahine, I love that tid bit about the brain and its 12 paths (Im sure theres a 13th too) seems like a continuing case of "As Above so as below", as I belive all these cultures are refering to the precession when they use the 12 (and 13) as it fits into the whole mechanism.

So back to Topic, Isn't this our whole point? What does the new Aquarian age mean? I'm sure we understand the maths, the process, the myths, most of us even believe that it may herald some awakening consciousness (cheesy as that may sound) its seems that lately the main point of debate is the Cataclysm element.

My point was that the age requires a burn to rise again renewed.
How valid is it though to start with a specific premise and then cherry-pick ambiguous mythology from around the world to support that premise? If you take a premise that is generic enough it's not really suprising that there might be similar images around the world -- mythology is a human thing after all, and despite our cultural differences we all go through the same basic things (birth, struggle with both triumphs and failures, death, etc.)

Mythology is first and foremost a poetic way of trying to describe reality. That means that it is open to interpretation. Do the interpretations truly support the very specific basic premises (like predicting a specific "end of the world" date) that they are being stretched to support?